Thursday, January 21, 2010

Climbing high..hidden dangers of success & trainings for success

Are you a go getter? A risktaker? Looking for the truths of how to grow and succeed?
Reading,following, learning,growing, all such wonderful things to do.
I am doing the same myself.... I KNOW there is more potential inside of me.
I'm sure you KNOW this for yourself  too...
I believe we were designed to do,be,live,conquer,be better.
All good things,I encourage you in your similar quest for such
However ,BEWARE of the hidden dangers of success...

I am so very thankful that I have some good iron in my life.
Iron sharpons will scrape off the dirt,rust & corrosion
Even better it will hone those dull edges,making a good thing BETTER
we all want better and best don't we?
My best friend always brings something to my attention when I start going
gung ho on something even when it's  "good"
wow am I blessed.
He will either drop something across my path,or even whallop me with something
                     to get my attention,if needed. .I am grateful because I know my best friend,
                                             loves me and has my best interests at heart .

I want to share a couple of video's my friend recently shared with me. .
Here I was  doing "good", I am excited , doing,growing and WHACK...
                        "ummm here take a look at this,  do you realize you were so intent on the "good" stuff you missed the hidden danger ?."
I won't explain anymore
I'm sure each of you can draw your own conclusions after watching this same video
                           I will plead with you , if you have children or work with children to please realize the dangers in  even the "good" things : music and video's especially.
I remember reading in some "how to change a nation" article, that music is  one of the key tools.
And guess who the target is...youth...
(akka the "cute" kiddies cartoon at the end)
to follow your heart, passions & dreams  are  fine ...IF you have it grounded on real truth...

there are several books which share similar truths about dangers
the hidden dangers of the rainbow
the beautiful side of evil
closing of the american mind
the child abuse industry

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