Friday, April 30, 2010

WORDS of WISDOM..out of the mouths of BABES

Well ,I wouldn't call this young man a babe..
He is really quite the guy...but hey, the title worked for me.
I was so touched by the following youtube.. believe me if you have a tender heart ,love kids & critters
you better have a kleenx handy !

Here at farmfunnies we have quite a few four footed
two footed,fur and feathered "folk" that share our lives, and occasionally you lose some..Sad times.

When I listened to Logan my heart ,was flodded with sympathy for his aching heart as well as for the
memories of beloved ones who have left us.

This photo here is a picture  of Barbie..she is still with us. I looked and looked for a photo of Tina but came up empty handed for now.

Barbie is somewhat following in Tina's footprints, she came into our lives because of the loss of Tina and the plea of our eldest grandchild . Tina was missed very, very much and I was asked .. if we couldn't get another pony, please grandma....

Well ,what is a grandma to do when a little pony named Barbie, kind of falls into her lap,so to speak.

Tina : the wonderful steed who came to us as a weanling.. wilder than a march hare.

With lots & lots of TLC & training , she went on to become the mount responsible for teaching all of our children, many of their friends , children who visited us over the years, how to "ride".
Tina either let them enjoy their first ride on a horse(with help) or learn how to... RIDE.

Once Tina knew you had the basics "down" the "kid" gloves came off.
Let your mind wander and off you would sail ,if you became just a "passenger"...

I am a bonified to the depth of my soul horse lover...
I am envious of the lessons Tina gave our children.
I can ride fairly well, have even trained numerous ponies horses, over the years (two waiting for such now)many with very bad habits .

Thanks to Tina ,all of our children learned to ride better than me.

Logan, a prayer for you right now, wherever you are, my heart sends you much warmth too.
Thanks for sharing what you heard.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hands Helping Children

Well farmfunnies non techie mom TRIED to add the button to help Colby...

I am late with my morning critter care..I can't linger over a cup or coffee with you this morning
so I will work on adding the button for Colby later..

Meantime I encourage you to visit a blog I follow and click on her hands helping children.

Just THINK... if everyone who reads this skipped only one lattee and made an instant coffee instead , how much help our brave little trooper Colby would benefit...JUST 1 Lattee, that's pretty easy isn't it?

OK... here is where to vist and send the Lattee money...your heart will be warmed as well as your tummy...
( about once a week,month or ???)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring fever? Give 'em chocolate covered strawberries

I love strawberries...

LINK for recipie below story...
-- my photo is of what I call a wood violets(johnny jump up)
I was "fresh out" of strawberry pics :-) --

My artistic side loves the  vision  of a field of strawberries
covered with dew.
It glistens in the early morning sun
with it's  vibrant color of RUBIES and EMERALDS,beset with
dazzling ,dancing diamonds...

My soul grasps the glorious promise the field hold out to us..
Spring is here, ,there is new life, love, abundance, hope...
the very  air is alive with these promises,as the wind whispers across the fields,making the diamond dew drops sparkle.
The birds burst into  happy exuburance  " winter is over".

I even  love to pick strawberries, although my crawing on the ground days are long gone...
I love to look at them, smell them, eat them AND......
what else dip them in chocolate YUM.....

Berries hand picked in an Oregon field near you is the BEST
(although my hubby says ALL his berries are picked by hand??
--Farm funnies hubby--
(once the owner of a strawberry field...yep ...I met him in that field...
why  come to think of it...I married the bosses son !  )
Now  hubby proudly points to the boxes he wants  to purchase,in  a local fruit stand
VIOLA' "hand picked" strawberries...hmmmm

Chocolate covered strawberries...

Of course if you are currently on our 5&1 program for safe,fast weight will need to wait for
the REAL DEAL until next year...umm ask me for a fun recipie substitue...
Remember this is only temporary.
When  you reach your weight loss goal, a few temporary "sacrifices" will be greatly worth it..I KNOW :-)

I have dipped chocolates , many times over the years..I have never returned with "leftovers" ...
I have heard many ,many ,oohs , ahhs... yummm... and ...HOW ???..did you do that?
Really they are very easy...

I follow  Chocohaly and I just visited their website , to see what they had to say about chocolate covered strawberries.
The article was so good and they had such great ideas and "recipies" as well as supplies
I just had to share this with you...


What is 5 & 1 ?

Our program is for either for nutrition,handy healthy snacks or for weight loss.
I am YOUR personal coach, who is there for you, but you need to ask for me :-)
Not only does our company provide my  complimentary services  .free to you,to assit you.

With my farm funnies savvy ways ,I know ways to save  you $ $, get  you over challenges,
I share fun ideas , recipies , encouragements along your journey and  ways to keep you THERE :-)

Q: do you want to spend this summer?
Think it is HOT  in August...(hot and heavy is not fun..I KNOW...
So...where would 2-5 lbs lost per week "put" you THEN  , if  you start NOW ?
 ..guess what?.....I am here for you all along the way  :-)
p.s.p.s.  not to worry if you started ,but didn't finish your 5& happens..
NO MAN"S LAND is NOT fun..
(I KNOW..been there done that..)
It can be hard to refocus and finish...BUT you can do it ..
the main trick is start NOW..not "tomorrow" years fresh dipped chocolate covered strawberry "season " will be here before you know it
Then you can have your chocolate berries and be SKINNY too!  :-)

WOW..I'm on a WOW liberty "roll"..who is SUPER DENNIS?

Speaking with  SUPER DENNIS early this a.m.  then listening to him as a presenter
on  our WOW webinar  this afternoon ,where he shared tips on how to use our i7500 Samsung Galaxy phones ... I was thinking of his SUPER qualities...he is quickly surfacing  as a leader to "watch"!
I will be able to smugly say..I "knew" him "way back" when he was just another Ren Pro CC coach in training !

After our WOW webinar..ummm...I of course had to check out some more phone features..
HA...I got "stuck" in airplane OFF mode...
I am a painter,artsy,critter gal not a cool GADGETS gal..
although "when" I figure this "rig" out I am sure I will love it... I REALLY,REALLY want to use the video
and tethering far  I haven't figured  them out...makes me envy our sons techie brain!

I do love the money it has already brought my cool is it for a "phone" to not only save money
but to earn money...hey.. I may be computer challenged..but money???
I  sure can figure out what to do with that :-)....go SH-O-OP-P-Ping  ...
(just kidding..but I do like to shop some...ummm  ever true to my  farm funnies ...
my hunter mentality kicks in..I am a bargain HUNTER :-)

That is one reason I loved the WOW galore... refer 3 and FREE ??
SUPER DENNIS ..beat me on this...he has  not and probably never will pay a service bill..
I was "almost" there...umm like Migdalia and Wendy said on the webinar...what a testimony
and WOW..we are 'envious" of it , since we almost made it too...

Another reason? 
Odd as it may seem...the teamwork...WOW..I am loving it
What is not to love?  A team of real.. honest... true to life ... go GIVERS..
hey... REALLY.... I KNOW these people, I knew many of them before WOW... you know how wonderful it is to be a member of a team..when you never had that opportunity as a child? 
we moved so often ..I never seemed to "fit"  plus ...
I was the little overweight gal always chosen last for any  game
(think Rudolph...a heart of gold..but what happened? BUT he "saved" the day...just like many on our team are doing for those they love, each of us on the team have a passion for helping others )

Coach Curt is such a go giver..just to think of all the benefits he is giving each of his WOW team is amazing...
I can barely keep up...but it is FUN FUN rewarding..and WOW..the possibilities...exciting
anyways below is a link to a video that cause me to write this WOW about SUPER DENNIS.
watch it if you want to save and or earn $$ call me...
If you are interested in being a team leader,let me need to qualify...
my team link is above...( hit back arrow to return after watching the video)

p.s. the blog spell checker still not working so forgive mispelled words..
while I do look for them,I occassionally miss them ..with my fast flying writing :-)

Monday, April 5, 2010

things are never as they seem

 One of our kids showed me this song  earlier today
I have watched it about 15 times now.
I've laughed and  I've cried...One might ask why...
It reminds me of so many things,
memories tucked so safely away...
Warm summer nights, as a girl catching fireflies in a jar....
Our children not wanting to go to sleep,
or rooms strewn with toys,
A wind up monkey with  my Dad,when he was in a fun mood.
Of how fast time has gone, of so many goodbyes,
Of dreams, of fun, of exiliration and imagination..
I've remembered the creative inventions ,
 elaborate games ,our kids set up.
Strings corralls wound around  dining room chair "fence post
holding herds of   toy horses
finding escaped pet hermit crabs, in various locations..
Let this song remind you of your own  childhood,
of your children long grown,
or remind you to enjoy these times
with your  young children,
times that  are gone before you know it...
to take joy in the daily things,now
things that  may seem insignificant at the time
but are the stuff dreams and memories are made of
 to take time to dream,to  make more memories
even if there is only one of you
let yourself be a kid at heart
 why not travel to where there are fireflies this summer...
spend at least one night catching some in a jar...
then let them go 
but hold them in your heart forever.