What you can't see in this picture, is the fly fishing rod attached to the white line...
Farm funnies hubby was trying to practice casting...
EVERYONE (4 footed) wanted to help....
"Dad" became discouraged with his loyal "following" and all their "help"..
The ROD:
We live in a time when there are so many things "politically" correct, we have become
bound up in foolishness....
One such foolishness is CORRECTION....(modern methods)
Just last night as we celebrated the 4th, one of our grown children thanked me for the application of the...SWITCH,when younger....and said it is too bad so many parents do not use it now....
Just before I turn out the light , before going to bed,I read a little in my Bible.
Last night, where did the page happen to open?
Thus I read, spare the rod, spoil the child.
One verse actually said beat foolishness out of the child.(of course, the word beat is not the way we interpert it nowadays)
At farm funnies I "ruminate" on concepts, remember...
So as I drifted off to sleep,I ruminated on beatings,rods and how all of our kids once grown have ,at one time or another,thanked me for the correct use of the "rod" .
That it caused them to become better...
I hated correcting our kids...BUT I knew it was necessary...
One of our most effective corrections, was when one of our kids,as a terrible two year old would throw fits.
The fits were awful, the kid actually hurt their self more than my switch application did.
Thankfully the "fit throwing" was in during days before the "child abuse industry, and political correctness ...no correction? (what a sad play on words)
For the fit throwing, farm funnies hubby told me the way to stop the behaviour was to get a fine supple switch.
( I thought him "mad" at the time)and to calmly HELP our child throw the BEST fit ever.
What I was doing wasn't working, he was gone working and going to school.
The next fit ,deperate, I cried inside as I calmly said mommy loves you so much and you want to throw such a terrible fit, I will HELP you throw a great one, and proceeded to "help"(oh that's not a loud enough scream,or you aren't kicking the ground hard enough, here I'll help you do it "louder,harder" until the fit was really a "good one" and I could tell there was a change of attitude.
It only took about 2 such fits and viola' fits were no longer "fun" profitable or worth it.
I can understand why a great many fear to correct children nowadays....
Just reading Mary Pride's book called The Child Abuse INDUSTRY... can put the "fear" in ya..
That is no excuse for raising and promoting unhealthy children,and children (and critters)w/o discipline are unhealthy (even dangerous).
( a fiction book called Exit Betty by Grace Livingston Hill is a good book with good ideas for dealing with older children)
For that matter the spare the rod spoil the child principal applies to dogs and other critters.
Of course ,one must know and have a true heart for each "variety" .
Each one is different and thus responds differently, same as kids do.
But NONE, really want to be allowed the "freedom" to evolve, into their lowest nature...
That is why boundaries are "tested"
That is why kids and critters will push those boundaries.
I believe society pretty much does the same.
They feel and are secure, when you care enough to do what hurts you...
(true correction, if done correctly will hurt "you" most)
Here at farm funnies we have a NO CATS rule...
that means, no you cannot chase,harass or chow down on those cute furry kitties, e
Even when they fight amongst themselves or run from "ya"...Even if they are playing...
"we" respect the NO CATS rule, why?
Because "mom" applied a fine green switch, to our little fannies,
WHEN we thought such behaviour was cool as a little "tyke"
We KNOW she will again, if need be (trust us)
Granted, for the dogs and the same applies for kids, the focus isn't left on the correction...
Ya break the rule, mom applies the remedy, hollering NO CATS repeatedly...
but THEN mom gives ya something good to do afterwards...
Go get the ball ....OH WHAT A GOOD DOG... YAY!
lots more fun, and lots less "smarts"
A number of years ago I wrote a brief book review about Mary Prides book,
sending it to a number of our States legislators.
A group of us were appealing for them to make changes in some laws they were reviewing...
They chose not to be influenced...they will answer some day... while "we" pay now...
We pay because our country doesn't have a just "method" of accountability...
We spare the "rod" and in so doing we "feed" all that is detrimental...
Crimes are worse BECAUSE those who break them REALLY want justice,
deep inside we all know what is right and wrong...
Why make society "pay" while the "culprits" are "free to continue?"
If I , a dog owner, am required to PAY (fees) for my choice to own and care for a dog...
Why can't those who "choose" to perpetuate wrong, pay for their choices?
If you lie....(soap on the tongue works for a kid)
If you are disobedient, a fine switch is a healthy deterrent .
AND it causes no damage...
The real damage is caused by not using a switch...
It is caused by allowing wrong behaviours...(or misuse of correction)
As to our nation, we have allowed lots to go wrong..
Lets get back to the basics, lets apply the switch...
Let the lawbreakers pay the piper..
Sheriff Joe Apaio, in Arizona has the right idea...work for your supper...
Look at history... what happened in Jamestown? when "all" shared"..
No more "freebies" for those who do nothing, especially illegals...
and lets not spare the rod, lets make sure crime doesn't pay
It starts at home, apply to yourself, family, and realms of influence.
A stone will ripple "if" it is "tossed" in a pool of water...
get ready, get set....go....
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