Sunday, July 5, 2009

a rose is a ? Grandpa's "gaskets"...better known as pancakes

A L-O-N-G L-O-N-G time ago

in the "far a way LAND" of my forefathers
we ate something that is commonly known in this day and age
never heard of them?

well they are at such places as I-hop or Pig 'n pancake
unless you grew up in a home with a real live, active kitchen
such as we have here at farm funnies...(well when everyone is home anyways)

BUT they were not called family ate


huh?? well... even though I am not a car "buff" I do know what a gasket is
and even I must admit there is a resemblance,

(unless they are covered with my favorite :peanut butter and honey...
or jam and cream or real maple syrup and real butter)

I bet you are wondering why am I writing about GASKETS or for that matter pancakes?

Here is why...this you tube was too, too funny...

Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

I was "inspired".... wow these guys were ever did they do that?

Now grab a stack of peanut butter n' honey covered Gaskets
click on my post called pig n ford race "correction..and simply a good pig race
to watch a pig'n' ford race...
(well "gaskets" go with fords...right ? or is that gaskets with lil' pig sausages ?
hmmm, I'd better not ham this up! )

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