Sunday, July 5, 2009

America, where "ARE" you?

Where are you America?

At times, I have been so heavy of heart for our country,
I have just stopped...
It is way past time for us to "wake" up...

What happened to the Watchmen on the wall ?
Where did the passion for Land ,Liberty and Pursuit of happiness disappear to?
When was the baton dropped?

Oh many grievous, heartfelt questions...but they do not matter.
Action does!
At times I've allowed myself to push the questions out my mind.
Sometimes they seemed such heavy ones, to much for "me" (oh really?)...
In so doing, I unwittingly became action less...
thus sadly becoming "one" of my very "questions".
Pain and grief, can render the comfort and balm of healing,past the point of real
Burdens...who said the load would get lighter when you avoid "it" ? (or rest)
We do have a burden bearer, if we allow Him to help...
Here is the "load" ..(my load)
We have a lot of "dirt" in our Land of the FREE and land of the BRAVE

My own personal "dirt" has been allowing myself to be overwhelmed with the load ,
thus allowing myself to become action less...( "resting" from the pain)

My "knees" seemed too sore to remain on the "ground" for the sins of our nation,
Ahh... only a "little" rest...(you are "alone" the condemner,would whisper... what can "you" do ?...
no one else "cares", it is too much for "you", ,...yada, yada, yada... tuus becoming entrapped in my own little pity party for "us"...all LIES...)

Of course we are never alone...we "both" know a great BOOK where we are told so !
However, when one seems to be alone,sitting in the darkness
it can be easy to "listen" to the discouragements whispered in your ear.
If not careful ,one can soon become mired in the darkness of what appears helplessness...

That is not the time to give in, give up or even become discouraged...
It is time to pick up that armour,dust it off, polish it and put it proudly ON...
Even if you seem to just stand still ...
( HEY...the British guards look pretty cool just standing still, don't they?)
So if you have become discouraged with the "state" our country "appears" to be in..
Take HEART..Be encouraged... YouTube - Born Again American
( HOWEVER, somethings can be deceptive so-o-o-... check out the source, after trying to implement this link for my post I just now read several explinations concerning this song, so as one writer said, enjoy the song BUT BEWARE>>>here read what they have to say..
oh my , be sure to read the comments at the following blog. yikes, how little we "see" sometimes:
wow after reading this, I wondered about rewriting my whole post...umm sometimes ignorance can be bliss, BUT it can be very my post ruminations depicts ...

(thanks Carole for sharing this with me,ha even after just reading all the comments!), you always share some encouraging "stuff")
Perhaps like me, you will hear and be encouraged with the many voices of others who are crying out from all over our nation and even through out the world..
America was great BECAUSE she believed in a GREAT GOD
We can still be great...God has promised to heal our land IF....
(look it up).
Believers this means us.
So believer ,I ask WHERE are you?
This is the REAL 24 karat gold question...
I Challenge you to join me, in the hard work of "praying"
Discover and do the job you were designed and destined to do...
Don't allow yourself to warm the bench anymore...
If you can't stand up, ask a friend to help you.
This is how we truly share one another's burdens...
A soldier will carry his buddy to safety when he is too weak or too wounded to walk...
We are soldiers,are we not?
So lets move, carry and press on....
Never surrender, never give up
HUGS and a prayer for ALL believers everywhere...
May you be encouraged,strengthened,healed,refreshed and restored...
wow after all the comments from other bloggers, I feel like my post tried to make a silk purse out of a sows ear...OINK>>>>

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