Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who is your Best Friend ? (stanger danger)

I had a crazy dream last night, We went to a theater to watch a ballet performance. sometime during or after the ballet, the Wiggles were on stage.

They had everyone get up to dance, I can't remember the name of the first one, but the second one was the caterpillar dance, it was "wild". You lifted and stomped your feet really crazy , as you wiggled like a caterpillar,
The next dance was called ...Do the Martian.
Some where in that dance, you bent over and picked up an imaginary rock or something, as you stood up you pulled back on an imaginary bow, and "shot" the rock which must have been attached to you , in some fashion, as then you reached out and tickled the person next to you.
As I straightened up with my "rock" I looked around for family members, some were just laughing and not dancing.( I am the silly one of the bunch, remember)
One grandson was sitting a ways away , he was sitting next to a young man I didn't know.
I ran like a "Martian" ( I don't remember now just how that was :-), but i can guarantee you it was silly..) over to where my grandson was sitting.
I can't remember his name, but he looked different than any of my grandkids in real life. He was about 7 years old and he looked kind of sad.
Well, of course ,I bent over and got my "rock" and sent it right to his tummy in the form of a tickle, then I pulled him into a hug, ending with a kiss on the cheek, (grandma's who love their grandkids do that automatically, by the way, even when she isn't a "Martian"

Now here is the really interesting part, (if being a wiggly caterpillar and Martian wasn't interesting enough for you ! :-) )
The young man sitting next to my grandson wanted to know who I was ? huh? ...
Of course I said I'm his grandma, shook hands with him and then since the
program was still going on and the dance was over I returned to my seat.

I remember thinking how sad my grandson looked and how I didn't like the looks of the young man who I had learned (somewhere in my dream) was my grandsons best friend.

When I woke up, I was still thinking of this.
I started thinking of best friends , relationships and of course here at farm funnies ,thinking quickly can become "rumination"...(contentedly "chewing" of previous ingested my case things of the mind .
I discussed in an early post, meditation comes from the word ruminating)

I started thinking of the grandchildren I have, of my children , of others I knew.,as children and now adults.
I remembered how , as a child who moved numerous times per year, how lonely I often was..
One year I attended 6 different schools . Such can cause a child to grow up and become instabile, and ,of course, have no roots. It can also create an environment where there is never a lasting
friendship, if in fact one ever began.
I do remember being in a couple of schools with out someone to even eat lunch with,
Being on the chunky side ,in a new school, was not a help.
I also learned early in life, if you eat ANYTHING,no matter how sparse or healthy it is, it often brought unkind unsolicited remarks and taunts. I remember dreading lunch times.

I also remembered what wonderful times I enjoyed .growing up ...AFTER... I learned to enjoy life, with someone who became my best friend...
He taught me a way to center my life around the good things, based on His principals, these became my core values.
(most of these can be found in what is called the love chapter of the Bible)

When I was nine, I asked Jesus to come into my heart...
When we moved shortly after this momentous event, I remember being in a school
and "friendless" and I came home crying to my mom, after some tragic incident.
She ,good mom taht she is, seeking to comfort me with the injustices, reminded me ... that since I now knew Jesus, to remember He is my friend. I could talk to Him anytime and tell Him I did.
When I was a little older I even wrote letters to Him. I would read in my Bible, which I had learned was His letter of love to me..

In my dream last night I remember thinking I needed to tell my grandson,when I was a little girl
I too was lonely and about getting my BEST friend.
That when you know Jesus, He really is your BEST friend, and that if you ever have a
close friend here on earth, it is better ,if your friend loves Jesus too.

When our children were growing up, I reminded them often ,to be a friend ( friendly) to all but to have Jesus for their BEST friend.

As I ruminated further, I started thinking of different ones I knew, or read about.
I often read stories of well known missionaries.,and true stories of people (like George Washington Carver, Ralph Moody,etc...
...Most people really do not have a best friend during their younger years(think about it)but we are under the delusion that EVERYONE (else) does...
Now days it is easy to see so many sad children.
I think society has done an injustice to our youth..."we" have painted this "picture" that to be normal, you are well loved,you have fun,you always have a "best" friend...
Actually when you think of it most grade schoolers don't really "fit" they same time they are chastised in some form (even silence can be a form of chastisement) for not "fitting"...
Looking back over the years ,all the kids I knew who "fit" tended to be the ones who shouldn't have.
They were often the ones others looked up to ,or who were held up for recognition in some form... on the play ground it was the "bossy,pushy,bully or accomplished athlete" types who were "in control"
in the class room the teachers held up the "works" of the "best" students, for an example of what "we" should "be/do"..and the selected student mostly learned far to much self pride.....

I know there is much good in striving to be ,do the best...(in the proper context), perhaps I'll have another silly "dream" and then post about such...
For this post friends and being alone is what I am wanting to "munch" on.
When you think of it, most of the true "great ones" grew up their formative years....

I think even Jesus was alone , as a young child. ( his own earthly brothers and sisters, and towns people rejected Him)
Moses, Jacob, Able, even David, (his brothers were older, he spent his early years tending sheep, only when he was a young man did he become best friends with Jonathan)
Then there are many of our famous people, I think Abe Lincoln and so many others grew up "alone"... we tend to "put" them in our "society" filled with the same experiences, etc, but most grew up in the wilderness...alone....
BUT if you can locate a dusty history book, blow off the dust and do a bit of reading, you'll discover the primary book they learned from was...(oh no..not popular now...) the BIBLE.... (these history books are out of vogue now too, but they are the ones with real history and thus real valuable truths. Unlike the cotton candy ones in our schools today, too sweet and consisting mostly of air.)

I believe the focus of childhood shouldn't be on "friends",fun,etc. and thus if you are "alone" then you are the odd one...
It seems it would be better to teach children in their formative years more about God's love.
Jesus alone is who we "need" even when we are "alone" . That Jesus and only Him can and should be our best friend, then learning His principals for our core values so we can know
how to choose all things wisely, even friends...The truth being that those who "seem" to have best friends don't really, (unless Jesus is first and BEST,otherwise they don't really know what a best friend is.....(how can they?)

It is only when you understand what a best friend really is that you can have one, and that generally comes with age...
until then you are in a learning mode, and in the learning mode you are a friend to others(kind , sharing, etc).............

As for me, I am glad I learned Jesus was and always will be my" bestest "of best friends....

How about you, He is the only one who really knows and understands you...why not write a note to Him
tell Him anything and everything, He will always understand,always care,always be there.

I can promise you that, because I know Him, He promised me that, for me and guess what?
He promised that for you to, first you need to ask Him...He never comes uninvited...
(the photo above is to remind you , when you let the wrong friend into your "heart"
your core values can destroyed.
This is photo of a tree on our place.
It was dying , inside we discovered the the heart of the tree was a huge "caterpillar, it had been quietly eating away all of the strength of one of our favorite trees, it was turning the inside(heart) into a soupy icky mush...
The next time you see a caterpillar ( or caterpillar dance :-)...remember to check your core values, check on who you have allowed inside(to influence) your heart.. then get rid of any pests..before they cause damage....Jesus can and will help you, if you let Him, just ask...

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