Friday, May 22, 2009

Tinkerbell a Babe?

Did you hear me right?

Here at farm funnies how did Tinkerbell become a Babe, I'll bet you are wondering.

It started out to be a typical day, I woke at 5 a.m. Hubby had the day off so he slept in.

I was working on renewing an order on line when.....
Woof woof from Annie and Roo, both on watch duty outside ....and then voices, "little" voices,

ahh grandkids for the day....

We fed the horses, cleaned up the paddocks,walked the fence line in the WILD woods to be sure

it wasn't shorting.

En route kids ,dogs and Gwendolyn ( one cat who loves doing a farm walk-a-bout), looked

for signs of BEARS (which we do not have) studied the mound of a gopher, watched for various

critters. Arriving back to our starting point, our work was done s0-0-o-

Yee Ha mount up cowboys.. Barbie and Ginger enthusiastically became trusty steeds

to ride the "range". After the 'west" was won...we mozied on to greener "pastures" in order to

pick an arm load of grass for the laying hens....

Now we were all hot so after a quick climb on the hay bales,
while grandma loaded enough flakes into a wheel barrow for the alpaca "gang',
we headed to the house for some water and a sandwich.

101 cat and dog jokes later, grandma turned on the tv

to see if there was any worthwhile kid show....
TaDa Peter Pan...

Thanks to dish, grandma could backtrack on Peter's "trail" and return to the start of the


As the movie (cartoon version) started Tinkerbell glitters across the screen in the dark...

ahhh I sighed, enjoying the artwork at the start ( I love the dark blue)
I said "I love Tinkerbell shes so pretty".
"Shes' beautiful" says my oldest grandson adding : "Tinkerbell is a real Babe in my book"....

ohhhh , not only has my oldest grown taller the past few months,
he has g-r-o-w-n : out of babyhood, no longer a babe...

But Tinkerbell sure Is, just ask me...I have it on good

Here she is, judge for yourself ...

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