Welcome to my crazycritter blog. You can learn new ways to run your home,raise & care for kids & critters, build and run your home based business, and even make a pie. I hope you are inspired, motivated and learn ways to save,stretch,and even make $$. I look forward to hearing from you.
As farm funnies "mom" , I have learned a "few" things, and "discovered both old and new products, over the years that WORK.
Hard as nails horse hooves? If you clean and or trim horses feed and have a hard time with hardened frogs and hooves ,see if you can locate a product called Hoof Marvel.
I bought mine at a local farriers supply place, now I won't be without it... ever.
It is organic and the label claims it will make hooves workable. My experience has been with even hooves that seem hard as iron ( such as the day I first tried this product) two applications about 25 minutes apart and I could clip through that "iron" with my hoof nippers..
The bottle has phone Number, it is 1-800-600-9078 . I tell so many people about it I should get a commission, but I don't. I just love sharing and helping.
Another hoof tip, cleaning the hoof and applying what else but... lard ... a pioneer "tool" that helps to soften the hoof and keep the frog softer.
Cuts,wounds,skin problems? Here is another item I won't be without, us humans use it too...amazing stuff
It is called Schreiners, again I should get a commission. go to http://www.schreiners.com/
I haven't check out the site, but I have used the original Schreiners herbal solution for years.
I've used it one even fowl. again it is truly amazing stuff.
Lumps,bumps, "pending"bruises? Another good product, Arnica, it is used to help prevent bruising. I first learned about it in a Grace Livingston Hill book ( these are Christian romance novels with good morals and teaching, if you have teenage girls especially , find one of her books and introduce them to her , we even read them out loud even to our teen age son, he is a real "guy" but he did laugh at some things and I think if I held him down or promised my "famous" wild blackberry cobbler, he might admit to enjoying them they are just not the same for our guys as the Hornblower books. ( hey I like those too) . The Arnica was mentioned in one of her books called the Substitute Guest.(which most of our family has their own copy now and has a tradition of reading it every year at Christmas time ) other favorites, The Enchanted Barn, Matched Pearls, The Best Man. I read my first one ,Crimson Roses, when I was an 8th grader. Those who are fans of the author can generally tell if you are a Grace Livingston Hill gal , I believe what you read does effect you..
Look for Arnica in your local health store, or ask a Pharmacist to order some for you.( some one close to me who happens to be a Pharmacist and also had read the same book and knew I had, reminded me of this bruise remedy wonder). Arnica is not very inexpensive, I feel it is a must if you have little kids. It doesn't sting and it is cool and soothing.
Speaking of Christmas, watch for a new post, I am working on, called Christmas in July...I know, July is over, but I am working on something for this and since I figure I was the original coiner of the phrase
I, of all people, deserved the liberty to " celebrate" that a bit late.
I was serving in a women's ministry over 30 years ago in a Village Missions Church. We had several missionaries and it took months for one of them to get any packages. We figured if they were to get anything from us for Christmas we would have to get on its way in August and so I came up with Christmas in July , in order to help create excitement about doing something for their Christmas. I had never heard the phrase used, nor was it ever mentioned in ads like it is now until many years later. A good idea someone ran with. I happened to like my usage better however.
Back to bruising, of course you could try an old Indian method . This is ouchie but I found it does work, hmmm could it be, because I'm part Indian :-) I used this method for years , long before I discovered (well, rediscovered and TRIED) Arnica.
When I first receive a "hit" or "blow" (latest one is I garnered is from my two year old grandchild, no Arnica on hand of course. ) If I'm pretty sure I will get a bruise, I rub the area as hard as I can endure, and put ice and repeat the rubbing often, until the area is less painful ( or maybe numb due to coldness?) I found rubbing towards my heart works the best, it is supposed to break us the of damaged blood cells, I have found this to be true.
Smelly Feet? I'll leave you with my Grandpa's smelly feet home remedy . we found it works like a charm and my Great Grandma's home remedy for diarrhea .
Smelly feet remedy: Before going to bed. Make a thin paste ( a little thicker that white glue)using 1Tablespoon of boric acid and 3 Tablespoons of salt with water, apply this to your feet (or if you make it a bit thinner you can soak in it for 1/2 hour). Do not rinse, let your feet air dry, put on a pair of socks. Repeat this before bedtime on the following evening.
Body odor, home remedy: the same "recipe" and "procedure" has successfully "cured" body odor for a friend who decided to try it ,when the family physician was unsuccessful in helping with the problem. Nothing ventured, nothing gained is my motto, when it comes to reasonable home remedies...plus guess what? The needed "item" is typically in your own cupboard and TADA lots less expensive that the local pharmacy. Good luck, drop me a line for how any of these work for you. betty@bettyframesuccess4u.com
Great Grandma's Diarrhea... home remedy: Look on the shelf , of your local health food store (herbal tea "spot")or ask your local health food store to order some horsetail tea for you, if they do not carry it.
Take a pinch and chew on it until the "flavor" is gone, we never swallowed it.
You may need to do this a couple of times after each "problem" if you have a more severe case of diarrhea.
We have found it to stop even the worse cases. and never travel with out a tea bag of it.
You should always consult with your own physician before using or trying any home remedy or method.