( scroll for zucchni relish recipie)
Do zucchni's dream? I don't THINK so... trust me.
In the middle of the night, they are busy doing what zucchini's do best...GROWING...
I have proof, if you sneak up on them, in the dark, and are very ,very quiet, you can catch them at it.
Now what do we do about all this stealthy zucchini growth?
One can find countless stories about what others do with zucchini.
We've all heard the ...leave it on the neighbors door step, ring the bell and run like crazy.
Well ,here at crazy critters we have some excellent ideas, and much more practical, hey I can run a bit now, but i don't run like crazy anymore! I go for purpose and passion.
Tonight I sliced some small chunks into some lean browned hamburger, I added a can of green beans plus the liquid. I added a package of beef stew from our 5&1 "cupboard" for flavoring and healthy nutrition. Yum... (would you like to learn more about how to add nutrition for quick and easy meals? e-mail me betty@bettyframesuccess4u.com and request some recipes, I am happy to share more ideas)
Here is a great hand me down zucchini relish recipe . This recipe was written by my baby sister, and pasted into my notebook of family favorites. Kid sis was still at home ,when I was in the fray of a young mom putting by stuff for winter, hugs kiddo and thanks mom for sharing this.!
Grind 10 cups of chopped zucchini. 4 cups of chopped onions, 1 red (or green) bell pepper.
Add 2 TBSP of salt. Let this set overnight. Drain in a colander and rinse salt brine off.
Blend in 4 1/2 cups of sugar, 1 tsp of celery seed, 1 tsp of turmeric powder, 1 tsp of black pepper, 2 1/2 cups of apple cider vinegar. Bring this to a boil. Pour into canning jars. Adjust lids and process in a boiling water bath, for 5 minutes...( it has been some time since I've made this, and I would check with foodday or your local home extension for any revised processing times .
yield is approximately 6 pints.
Still have zucchini?
OK now for a real practical solution, after the zucchini bread is baked and frozen ( I'll try to find that recipe, it is one of my favorites) your jars are full. You've fried it ,stuffed it , baked it and put it in a yummy stew...
Try an timeless and innovative "machine"
Viola' , while these are a "remake" of some forgotten era, never-the-less ,this is a wonderful top of the line zucchini processor/compactor (of course you may need a few additional attachments , such as a way to house this zucchini compactor :-)
This model is called henretta, what else? Please notice this model, she has ruffles, cute isn't she ?
Please note the added feature, no extra charge. This model is awake at night.
Trust me this is a very important "feature"...
This 2007 model is quite advanced in design and is very affordable, and she even provides
a wonderful packaged source of protein to have for breakfast.
Can't wait? Ready to sign on the dotted line? O k get ready.....

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