No , No, No and...
No, it's not a fire in the grass,
No, it's not phantom firework
No it's a fire praying mantis bug
Just what is it?

Here on the farm, we often have power outages.
Our motto, when there is a pending storm, be prepared.
High on the list, fill the tub with water.
Make sure the dishes are washed,
The clothes are all washed, the vacuuming done.
The stock tanks filled.
A canner of water filled, for cleaning of any cooking utensils.
Paper plates, towels, candles,lanterns ,kerosene,and propane ready.
Flashlights located and spare batteries on hand.
A pellet stove, while nice for hubby who really has put in his fair share of time chopping and stacking wood, simply doesn't "cut" it for power outage. Try Nil. Try 2 weeks w/o a heat source, in the middle of a frozen storm, with down power lines across your way "out" . Brr, my bones still shiver to remember that winter. Besides did you know you can complete the bulk of a Thanksgiving dinner, with all the trimmings with the help of a wood stove? So romantic, well at least to one half of our farm team ( three guesses who !)
The 4th is almost here, I love the 4th of July, I am so thankful for the men and women who fought and still continue to fight for our freedoms. Thank you. I thought I'd post this photo in honor of all of those who work and sacrifice to give us light, life and liberty. This is a photo of the power repair guys , taking down wires in the middle of the night after another tree decided to put us in the dark. I found the photo fascinating, it looked like the whole process was electrifying, in reality, none of that showed in real life.
What are your plans for the 4th?
Today I purchased the "grub" and supplies for our 4th of July celebration . There will be some family members camping out , so a late supper, breakfast,lunch supper 4th of July smores, and breakfast again. A stack of flapjacks anyone, or as my Grandpa would say lets have some dough gods and gaskets. (heavenly biscuits and pancakes)?
"program, legal pancakes"
If you are one of my clients, try the recipe for the pancakes on the box of apple cinnamon oatmeal.
I was able to imagine pancakes with this recipie while I was losing my weight and I know you can too. TADA , it will only be a short while ,then you won't have to imagine those skinny clothes anymore. Cause you will be wearing them ! Yay.
I will be wearing my usual ear protective head set let the party begin !
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