Her web is "woven" and she is waiting for : YOU....

Enter her web if you must , enter her web if you dare..
Grandma says, enter her web with
great care...
and only with a grownup nearby to rescue you...
ready set go...
you know sometimes you just have to DO IT, you have an idea and you keep thinking, tomorrow, or later or?
This summer I am working on everyday actions. Putting the rubber to the road, so to say.
Thanks to my ever constant supply of business tips and trainings, I am seeing how you can apply these same techniques to every aspect of your life. Dreams, what do you really want? Take daily steps to make it happen.
There is what is called doing the daily 8, ( I learned these via my SOC friends, thanks Kody, you can see and hear Kody's story , at www.sendoutcards.com/27588 ) I enjoyed the video about acting on a prompting, which is primarily geared for sending cards. With my farmers heart and thus a vetran of crop gleaning 101, I enjoy gleaning and salvaging ideas, from all sources. So if acting on a prompting piques your appitite, click on the watch DVD (in the red bar across the very top) then click on the introduction dvd. The last half of this dvd has a romantic ending so grab your box of tissues.
This summer I am applying some , newly acquired , just do it attitude , in all areas of my life.
Thus my box spider dream of several years ago, finally "hatched".
I have plans to make a more durable spider, but hey look at how adorable she is right now.(or as one friend told me formidable and scary)...
What is kicking around in your mind or heart to accomplish? If nothing , stop for a few moments, take a deep breathe and let it surface, there are dreams there, even little ones like my black box spider are important. Give yourself freedom to dream, to create, to hope, and then accomplish.
Don't let another day go by ...
Go build that dream, perhaps just one "silken" strand at a time , with daily consistant actions. (daily 8's)
viola' you will (well..git ur dun! )
even if your "web" savvy son who happened to work with a blimp crew, shakes his head at your knots and reties them for you...
(YAY for a knot savvy son)...
Yay for formidable and scary black box spiders and for living your dreams! :) Wahoo! :)
thank you becky, I love your new site, it's gorgeous. thanks for the visit to farmfunnies.
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