Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The dreaded sock monster,and side kick lil' MLM "bunny trail" ..akka time thief

SHAZAMM like a bolt out of the blue..
the sock monstor and MLM bunny trail has been "captured"

Below is a silly just for fun letter I wrote to one of my kids early this a.m.

After reading it to look for corrections I might need to make, I thought some of you would relate to it ,
so I  decided to post it here at my farm funnies as an example of how easily we can justify how our time is spent...

After all, we all have a tendancy to  do it don't we? 
You know make excuses,get side tracked,justify our little bunny trails
THEN comfort ourselves with I am BUSY..I am WORKING..I am ,I am.. I've been on this computer for "hours" SEE.. my brain is tired, I need a nap, some chocolate, a MOMMY,to give me a magic kiss and make it all better..to make this WORK..
...honestly, this is why so many of us  buy THE magic "bullet" for success....(honestly there isn't one)

BUT ...There is HOPE... really..
Yes , there is hope to overcome the bunny trails...

You need a system and accountability..you may need a coach..a coach will assit you with..
I will share these ways in another post..
after reading the letter below you may notice I really do have some horses awaiting their breakfast, it's not very late now, but if I take time to share much more it will be..
I just know you don't want hungry horses on your conscious now do you? 

p.s. if you really want help now, you can click on either my liberty or safe weightloss links and with a little sluething find a way to contact me,(phone or e-mail)..
I know,I know,(to my network marketing friends..I need to get my "opt" in 'stuff" in my blog..
hey I have HAY to feed.(lions and tigers and bears..OH MY is that a lil "bunny trail too"?.:-)...
OK OK..I'll see about doing that, I do know where the info is to  assist me in accomplishing  this)

At farm funnies we(critters too) believe in hugs...
so ...Hugs for a great day
                                                     a.m. letter to son
ohhhh I wish you'd called me...I got off internet and went to bed early ( hadn't felt good all day...cold ...achy ...I think I am FIGHTING a bug..here's to hoping WE win..not so sure...just sitting here this a.m. feelin' kinda dizzy...

ha "we'll" see how "that" goes when I get up and go outside to toss hay to the horses...I am still cold & achy all over, I keep thinking it will get warmer..but it's only getting later. When I got up this a.m. I thought ok it's probably just the cold weather making me feel achy ...hmmmmm, I noticed breakfast isn't really all that "happy" either

double hmmmmm.......,

BOTTOM LINE...after my "whining on line ...or is that line whining or hmmm lining my whining ...hmmm I guess even when "mom" is feeling like whining on line..her humor remains ummmm rather "bazaar???"

or maybe that is due to making my mind whirl from my one by one filtering of on line files ....which are way too many... looking to see what I don't remember I already have...

consequently requiring applications related to the constant need to overcome my "bunny trailing" tendencies...sigh....

One gold star for the day... I see I am learning how to capture the lil bunny and remain focused much longer...

..YIKES , sneaky "bunny" ...now I'm chasing the bunny in the form of what should be simple reply....GOTTCH BUNNY....duh....

I will make sure your box is "covered" I'll cover your request,umm gottcha covered...awwww..is that a baby "bunny"? ( I am really just feeling like being silly and you are "here" aren't you glad..(well if you actually read this you are)

I am going out in a bit and I will see how your box looks...yay that works...no more rhyming ..I mean it...........ummm anyone have a peanut? oh yeah how about peanut butter?

umm p---nut pnut butter JELLY...JELLY

bleah...now I really feel sick.............NO p-nut butter...just writing it made me feel dizzy............
I want a blankie............and all of my STUFF done via by some osmosis thot process....just for today...........

hmmmm ...think think...retro active osmosis system generator to accomplish the tasks at hand..not working..MALFUNCTION,delete..NO NO, computer..I see what you are doing..mind melding you think you will delete..AHA..BACK bACK away with you...NO.. not "that" either..( I just saw how you "stuck" some important things into files totally not related,plus you didn't LISTEN and put a name on them I needed in order to see where you would possible put or.. I know HID them..)

OSMOSIS do it for me......I do not see the horses being fed,the WET pile of clothes getting on hangers and above the stove by their selves

HUH???? I do hear rustling in the sink... is "it" working??? NO>>not that ,more dirty dishes..how do they do it??? I declare..I know those dishes are in cahoots and have an invisible replicating system..

I think they are related to the sock monster..you know the one who has a way to make sure there is only one of each pair that makes it through the wash cycle, and the monster makes darn sure none of the single individuals who MAKE it through the was are remotely related.....

ahhhhh...enough rambling...I love ya...mom

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