Monday, October 12, 2009

The TAIL(s) of 2 to polish your floors

Reading a new post at entitled two worms ..flooded my mind
with warm memories....ha in more ways than one.

When I was a fourth grader my younger sister and I "helped" my mom with cleaning house.
Being kids and having a mom who let us be kids,even when we "helped" , we found rather ingenious ways to do our assigned tasks.

One of my fondest (and warmest) methods we invented was our worm polishers...

Of utmost importance!...
Especially on a winters day on a cold floor,you take a fuzzy blanket and make sure you are rolled up very snugly inside it.
This needs some grownup supervision perhaps.
Trial and error will teach you how to hang on to the ends correctly, to maintain your worm skin.

Then you fall to a newly waxed floor , and your fellow "worm" and you wriggle and roll and giggle across the whole floor, inching across every nook and cranny,under tables and around obstacles until every inch has been covered and the floor shines like glass.
Consequently you and your fellow worm are both exhausted when finished , ready to sit quietly with a snack and a book .
No doubt mom herself received a few rare and well deserved peaceful quiet moments to enjoy... (this was in the "good ol days" when wax was applied to a clean floor,left to dry and buffed/polished to a high shine).

Time to reinvent some fun coupled work for your kids...
Not only does this build character
(just ask anybody who knows my sister and I and they will gladly tell you what "characters, we are!)
You will get a high shine to your floors, and have a few quiet moments to yourself, if you know how to look for them...
In the process your kids can learn the value of invention,creative problem solving,diligence (the floor only shined when it was "wriggled" just right..

I could go on and on listing all kinds of goodness traits it's your turn....

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