Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Let's talk TURKEY... a "Paul Harvey"s" here's the rest of the story

Ok ...so I am on a turkey trail as opposed to my usual bunny trails...
(you know what I mean, coming in from relevant work,checking e-mails AND viola'

if you are not careful an hour or more has gone by,and ...well...umm I'm sure you have been there -done that , or you wouldn't be HERE now :-) ( I am ever so glad you are though!)

Here is my turkey "trail" hire contractor son and have to run to town for some supplies for a project before our Oregon monsoons descend...(fix windows and floor for an old storage trailer for my ceramic projects and "more"...)

My part in today's "adventure" was well paying for supplies of course, getting some stocking stuffer and "stuff" for a gift idea to make for grand kiddo's (oh it is a good one, more later)
and now my goal was repairing a flight pen for a pair of golden pheasants...

When farm funnies mom heads to town she tries to co-ordinate her "trip" to the best advantage
(get the stops in sync, to save time,gas and help me remember...)

why is it when you NEED something it has just gone off the shelf?

Like when I need hose repair in the middle of winter, can you find such items(not easily) .
I've learned to keep a repair bucket with a number of such stuff "in waiting"...

Who would have thought our turkeys would hatch 6 baby turkeys with fall just around the corner? (5 surviving thus far and actually doing a rather amazing job at what baby turkeys do best,minus not sticking close enough to mom ,that is (as long as our efficient mouse/rodent patrol , doesn't notice maybe they'll all make it past a nice ..albeit "small" turkey dinner,"moving" on to a bigger debut...

Anyways I'll bet you didn't know baby starter isn't to be found in the fall ???why-ever not???

(I guess no one wants to start raising turkeys with rain and snow around the corner.
I wish someone would have mentioned that little item to one very happy momma and very proud strutting papa..,
Oh , baby turkeys need a higher protein ration than the baby chick starter (which was available)...

Another small fact, did you know baby turkeys can almost east their weight of food in gold?So when you are enjoying THANKS-giving..be really thankful for that turkey meal...I know the feed stores are...ca...ching !

( well ,a fresh farm raised organic turkey really does taste better,
as Paul Harvey use to say here is the rest of the story...

(amazon.com has a book with the title-- Paul Harvey here is the rest of the story )
The story he shared about Elizabeth Tayer's birth is amazing,
I'm not sure if it is in the book however.

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