Thursday, December 4, 2008

Poor, poor Mama, have you had enough ?

I was headed outside, you know how it goes, I'll read just one more e-mail
Of course it "linked" me not only to a catastrophic train wreck, but to an idea,
then of course to view how a u-tube would appear in my post,

THEN ....(click on )

the next thing I know I was laughing so hard, with tears running down my cheeks, the dogs even came in to see what was going on.
A flood of memories, raced across my mind.

I'll just share, one of the memories . I certainly identified with poor momma when she tried to spank her nearly grown son. Hey, it's bad enough to have to correct kids you love, but when they are bigger and stronger than you and they laugh, NO FUN...

What can I say, for all those times I had had enough, I wouldn't trade a one, I love my kids
and they each such good parents.

Kudo's to all loving parents (be they your own children, or kids you help others with), raising kids is hard work at times when you are in the trenches with flu,teething,quarrels,terrible two's etc. A few extra kudo's to my own kid's on jobs very well done,thus far)

Ok , Ok, Kate and Roo, the sun is shining, yes I have a couple of outside things to tend to , so I will really go out side this time..

while I'm outside you might enjoy another comedy video , by Mark Lowry

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