Are you making a list,and checking it twice?
Do you have lots to do, and then LIFE happened,
Hurry over to read how I handle life "stuff" in my new post at
my merryheart blog
it may help and it sure couldn't hurt :-)
Ya'all come back now...
p.s. me ????
believe it or not I had to come here to my own blog
just to find my bath snowball and fizzies recipe
because: my "stuff" is a waiting to be "born"!
it's so fun to "squish" stuff with your hands.
I guess that's why I making my mud (clay) creations...
WOW do the simmering oranges for my mystery cake smell divine and so...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
the tree is still outside
stockings are hanging and waiting
donuts want to be deep fried
it's freezing so perhaps some slipping and skating
but not by this farmfunnies granny
hubby is my own sweet (w)rapper
hiding presents one has to be uncanny
(hubby's gift hidden ,the dogs best not tell with their yapper
'cause they followed me to the hidden site
watching as I lugged and shoved it there with all my might
I'd best stop punin'and funnin' and make those fizzies
or I'll wonder where the time went and be in a frizzie
yikes this rhyme just swithed it's "mode"
I sure hope the fizzies when packed don't explode...
Ok I'll stop, this is really getting silly
and yikes its freezing tonight ,so it will soon be chilly
whew, now I can check the bath "stuff" off my list...
what about you ?
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