I am often amazed at others creativity,
I am enamored by others who also share encouraging ,uplifting & motivating "stuff"
That is one reason I anticipate my e-mails ,
even on days I get behind or when they seem overwhelming by shear volume.
For me it's kind of like Christmas morning, all the pretty packages(yet to be opened e-mails)
and who knows what treasure is hidden beneath the wrapping.
I was wowed by these two links shared in an e-mail,
FREE ... even better the creator
lets you subscribe for free inspirational quotes.
So I jiz' did....
More e-mail, but I am anxious to see what treasures they will enfold...
You are especially invited to watch the video's too.
Perhaps after watching them you will decide like I did
to sign up for the quotes.
Many blessings and encouragement as you watch these videos
As pooh would say "oh bother" these won't cut and paste or work when typed in so go to twitter.com look up sweettweet4u (that's me) and there will be a link to them, in one of my tweets.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
smile & the world smiles with you :-)

Ok for all of you , my farm funnies followers ,todays post is for the birds !
We all like to smile and enjoy laughter right? (more on how laughing is not only good for you but is actually healing at my http://www.amerryheart4u.blogspot.com/ blog
Below is a link to real treasure of fun. especially if you love birds.
Here at farm funnies I love critters (duh, can you tell?) I also love birds...and so of course being an avid critter lover and caregiver. not only have I learned tons of "stuff", I am always on the lookout for more "stuff" that will benefit my little feathered or not loved ones. You reap the benefits of my life's lessons and searches, get ready for a great newsletter I am currently putting together,it will be packed full of fun stuff.
In the meantime ,here is something to good to wait on sharing. You may need a good laugh today.
In the meantime ,here is something to good to wait on sharing. You may need a good laugh today.
Following Chet for over a year, I've always enjoyed the info he has shared and his video's.
I've almost purchased Chet's course,simply because I enjoy his "style" so much.
I've almost purchased Chet's course,simply because I enjoy his "style" so much.
I "stumbled" across Chet's site while researching information about Rosey Bourkes
(scroll in my archives and check out my 4-16-08 post about my Little Miss Rosey Bourke).
One thing ...as you watch this video...notice, if you will, how many people are smiling.
A smile is infectious, also notice how little it takes to bring about a smile..parakeets are little are they not?
Here at farm funnies, I'm waiting for a delivery ( thus reading e-mails,and subsequently clicking on interesting sounding video links).
I found myself laughing out loud ,when the little keet shot a wad of something out of a cannon at his owner/show producer .
Enjoy, then give someone a smile today (even if it is yourself in the mirror)
A smile costs nothing to give , even if you are not feeling well. If you want to you can smile ,
years ago I was told it takes lots more muscles to frown (why are there so many frowning faces I often wonder. Frowning is actually the harder choice,causing more self damage, if you think about it)
I know it can be hard to smile, in difficult or painful times because I have chosen to do so.
I have smiled with tears streaming down my face while looking in the mirror, because of the situation I was in at the time. At the time even seeing myself smile caused more tears, I chose to continue smiling.
Life happens, sometimes life is painful,but how we weather the storms of life is up to us, it can be a moment by moment choice.
Without further adieu here is this darling and fun video .
Ya'all click your back arrow and come back here ... then why not look for one of my recipes and make something yummy while you smile today .
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sigh...it's the Last day of summer
AWWW. it's the last day of summer (well it was when I started this post,but now it is 5 minutes into the first day of fall..yikes how time flies... just like our leaves are starting to)
Here is some relaxing"summer" music for you if you are still awake,
I found it rather interesting that the song is a theme from the summer place
but all of the pictures are ...SNOW???
hmm ...before you "chill" you best bundle up with a mug of warm cocoa and some cookies
as you watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoZmLHkoDbY
(I apologize, I can't get this to cut and paste. Even typing in the address doesn't seem to be working, you could try clicking on http://www.youtube.com/ then searching for summer place music.
Now then...how will you start your fall?
p.s. to my 5&1 clients....wahoo....
I will start mine celebrating! I love to see those I love (and I love all of my clients)choosing to get healthy...I just received a e-notice from my back office for new orders.
Hey "guys" that's a great start for fall ... gettin' skinny....go team....
extra p.s. for 5&1 clients, ummm...
the above mentioned cocoa must be "legal" and if you want a "legal" cookie recipie (yumm) to go with it, while on the 5&1 just shoot me an e-mail request ( betty@bettyframesuccess4u.com )
If you want to earn $$ for coa (cash on account) simply for referring new clients who qualify with their 1st order ask me how...
This applies to anyone who shares ,even if you are not a client of mine. If know someone who would like to reach optimal health as they quickly lose weight then I can send you a store gift certificate,when they qualify(ask me how)
Helping those you love get healthy is a great reward in itself,
but a $25 store gift certificate in this economy can be kind of nice too.
Learn more about our program at http://www.bettyframe.tsfl.com/
If you are interested in starting your own business as a health coach or team leader ask me for a complimentary consultative interview .
I have a great coupon for your business in a box
learn more about what I do at www.bettyframe.tsfl.com/biz
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Water is your friend not food :-)

well he also loves my cooking, below this story "find" a recipe for one of his favorites.
I either inherited his appetite over our 41+ years of marriage (yep,thus far we've survived the course of life with all it's ups and downs,good and well,not so good "stuff'...YAY) or perhaps since hubby is a polomer scientist,some of his scientific curiosity seeped (infiltrated) into my artistic KISS way of life by REVERSE osmosis??? (or was it my packrat/save it ...WHOA, hold them thar horses... I won't even try to go there)
Whatever !
Now I find that as health coach I am eager to learn more things to assist my clients and team of coaches.
WATER...yep we drink it (if farm funny's hubby try to "disguise it") we need it.
The hundred dollar question is....
what "kind",how much ,why, when, where,how,and ...you have to be kidding....
If you are on our full program to safely&quickly lose weight a minimum of 64 oz non caffeinated,no cal liquid ...unadulterated pure water is preferred .
The better "option" is 1/2 0z per pound of body weight...YIKES...
when on our full 5&1program I called this the camel club...
(only I don't think the camel had to have a local "powder room" as readily accessible as this grandma did)
but hey 100+lbs lost ,a not only a new lease on life,but my life changed in ways I couldn't even imagine..wow and way cool...(or do those expressions date me?)
"it" was worth it..or as a phrase that has been stuck in my head after visiting a blog I follow...WHATEVER IT TAKES...
WHATEVER IT TAKES is great story and I loved the Son's of Thunder,expect the unexpected..(farm funnies mom loves to laugh,and reading this I did :-)..)
back arrow to finish my "water" post if you decide to visit becky's life with boys at http://www.abbastories.com/
Why? to help flush out impurities. When? throughout waking hours. How? be creative,
I drink some before I eat breakfast, going out the door with the dogs,to feed Gwendolyn (who prefers to eat in the barn AWAY from the other members of our mouse patrol. Farm funnies hubby feeds them earlier ,before he hits the dusty trail to the "lab"....), I "hide" some in a cup of decaf coffee mid a.m.
On my be a better coach "journey " I just learned water has been proven to actually boost your metabolism...WHAT? reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology&Metabolism ,it was found that drinking water increases your metabolic rate(how fast you burn calories) to increase by a whopping ...30% ....WOW....pass the waster please.....this little gem of info was "discovered" in a booklet I have written by Greer Childers check her out at http://www.shapelysecrets.com/ if you would like to get a fun easy and great workout by simply breathing...we all breath,right" so why not learn how to do it...TaDa...RIGHT....hey just doing her ugly face exercise with your kids
could start your day with the giggles...
Have fun today,drink WATER , make an ugly face ( for us baby boomers especially,to tighten that grandma, turkey... NOT...neck area)
RECIPE: great economical meal ,good comfort food...
brown lean hamburger in a skillet (while boiling rice or potatoes,to make mashed potatoes)
drain off the grease,
add some flour (amount varies with amount of meat cooked) stir into meat,
slowly add milk...(making hamburger gravy) to serve over the potatoes or rice
complete your meal with vegetables of your choice..
fresh tomatoes from the garden and corn is readily available right now ,where I live..yumm
(if you need specific help with amounts for making the "gravy" shoot me an e-mail,I'd be happy to go into further detail for you)
p.s. and remember "water" is your friend not food...
watch this video clip from the movie nemo www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea6yjT65wSQ
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's talk TURKEY... a "Paul Harvey"s" here's the rest of the story
Ok ...so I am on a turkey trail as opposed to my usual bunny trails...
(you know what I mean, coming in from relevant work,checking e-mails AND viola'
if you are not careful an hour or more has gone by,and ...well...umm I'm sure you have been there -done that , or you wouldn't be HERE now :-) ( I am ever so glad you are though!)
Here is my turkey "trail" hire contractor son and have to run to town for some supplies for a project before our Oregon monsoons descend...(fix windows and floor for an old storage trailer for my ceramic projects and "more"...)
My part in today's "adventure" was well paying for supplies of course, getting some stocking stuffer and "stuff" for a gift idea to make for grand kiddo's (oh it is a good one, more later)
and now my goal was repairing a flight pen for a pair of golden pheasants...
When farm funnies mom heads to town she tries to co-ordinate her "trip" to the best advantage
(get the stops in sync, to save time,gas and help me remember...)
why is it when you NEED something it has just gone off the shelf?
Like when I need hose repair in the middle of winter, can you find such items(not easily) .
I've learned to keep a repair bucket with a number of such stuff "in waiting"...
Who would have thought our turkeys would hatch 6 baby turkeys with fall just around the corner? (5 surviving thus far and actually doing a rather amazing job at what baby turkeys do best,minus not sticking close enough to mom ,that is (as long as our efficient mouse/rodent patrol , doesn't notice maybe they'll all make it past a nice ..albeit "small" turkey dinner,"moving" on to a bigger debut...
Anyways I'll bet you didn't know baby starter isn't to be found in the fall ???why-ever not???
(I guess no one wants to start raising turkeys with rain and snow around the corner.
I wish someone would have mentioned that little item to one very happy momma and very proud strutting papa..,
Oh , baby turkeys need a higher protein ration than the baby chick starter (which was available)...
Another small fact, did you know baby turkeys can almost east their weight of food in gold?So when you are enjoying THANKS-giving..be really thankful for that turkey meal...I know the feed stores are...ca...ching !
( well ,a fresh farm raised organic turkey really does taste better,
as Paul Harvey use to say here is the rest of the story...
(amazon.com has a book with the title-- Paul Harvey here is the rest of the story )
The story he shared about Elizabeth Tayer's birth is amazing,
I'm not sure if it is in the book however.
(you know what I mean, coming in from relevant work,checking e-mails AND viola'
if you are not careful an hour or more has gone by,and ...well...umm I'm sure you have been there -done that , or you wouldn't be HERE now :-) ( I am ever so glad you are though!)
Here is my turkey "trail" hire contractor son and have to run to town for some supplies for a project before our Oregon monsoons descend...(fix windows and floor for an old storage trailer for my ceramic projects and "more"...)
My part in today's "adventure" was well paying for supplies of course, getting some stocking stuffer and "stuff" for a gift idea to make for grand kiddo's (oh it is a good one, more later)
and now my goal was repairing a flight pen for a pair of golden pheasants...
When farm funnies mom heads to town she tries to co-ordinate her "trip" to the best advantage
(get the stops in sync, to save time,gas and help me remember...)
why is it when you NEED something it has just gone off the shelf?
Like when I need hose repair in the middle of winter, can you find such items(not easily) .
I've learned to keep a repair bucket with a number of such stuff "in waiting"...
Who would have thought our turkeys would hatch 6 baby turkeys with fall just around the corner? (5 surviving thus far and actually doing a rather amazing job at what baby turkeys do best,minus not sticking close enough to mom ,that is (as long as our efficient mouse/rodent patrol , doesn't notice maybe they'll all make it past a nice ..albeit "small" turkey dinner,"moving" on to a bigger debut...
Anyways I'll bet you didn't know baby starter isn't to be found in the fall ???why-ever not???
(I guess no one wants to start raising turkeys with rain and snow around the corner.
I wish someone would have mentioned that little item to one very happy momma and very proud strutting papa..,
Oh , baby turkeys need a higher protein ration than the baby chick starter (which was available)...
Another small fact, did you know baby turkeys can almost east their weight of food in gold?So when you are enjoying THANKS-giving..be really thankful for that turkey meal...I know the feed stores are...ca...ching !
( well ,a fresh farm raised organic turkey really does taste better,
as Paul Harvey use to say here is the rest of the story...
(amazon.com has a book with the title-- Paul Harvey here is the rest of the story )
The story he shared about Elizabeth Tayer's birth is amazing,
I'm not sure if it is in the book however.
Nesting,and whose egg is that?

if memory serves me correctly there was one peacock egg,a couple of banty eggs
and a couple of call duck eggs in this shared nest.
Horton is a fella...you can read more about him and Maisey with posts :
(hmm this isn't allowing a link to the relevant posts, however I just published a draft with one of the Horton & Maisey stories, the date is 8,7,08 so you can look at older posts under that date for the new story))
Here at farm funnies you just never know who will sit on what
and sometimes you never know when and what will actually hatch.
Years ago I raised and sold canaries to pet stores.
Our 2 yr old was fascinated with the babies in the nest, she would fill a nest of coiled blankets with toys patiently waiting for them to hatch.
I would love to know what she envisioned would eventually hatch,she was so creative.
Moving to the "farm" ,two precious siblings later, our "gang" had new nesting models to emulate.
Baby sister and brother happily joined our "so big" gal , each digging to create very nice (deep)
nests in backyard sand ,then fully "fluffing" them with grass and straw.
This generally created good and peaceful play, and for the duration it was relatively easy to keep an eye on the kiddo's.
When the nesting "instinct" was in effect, farm funnies mom(me) was able to accomplish many projects that were a bit more demanding in nature.
I learned early to take advantage of the old adage: Make hay while the sun shines.
The only times I recall any difficulty was when baby brother grew old enough to enjoy guy "stuff".
Imagine a little boy,with older sisters , and him finding a hidden ,abandoned nest ...aka filled with what else...rotten eggs, just WAITING for the next nesting "game".
I will let your imagination fill in what disturbance in the "hen house" ensued.
Here is a link to a story I read ,with an equally funny story .
The author was teaching kitties to learn to use their little box during the time her grandaughter was unsuccessfully not being potty trained.
Another hmm, I guess my "cutter & paster" is on strike, so try this
http://www.care2.com/greenliving/literally-litter.html click on the literally litter story, it's cute.
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