Ok for all of you , my farm funnies followers ,todays post is for the birds !
We all like to smile and enjoy laughter right? (more on how laughing is not only good for you but is actually healing at my http://www.amerryheart4u.blogspot.com/ blog
Below is a link to real treasure of fun. especially if you love birds.
Here at farm funnies I love critters (duh, can you tell?) I also love birds...and so of course being an avid critter lover and caregiver. not only have I learned tons of "stuff", I am always on the lookout for more "stuff" that will benefit my little feathered or not loved ones. You reap the benefits of my life's lessons and searches, get ready for a great newsletter I am currently putting together,it will be packed full of fun stuff.
In the meantime ,here is something to good to wait on sharing. You may need a good laugh today.
In the meantime ,here is something to good to wait on sharing. You may need a good laugh today.
Following Chet for over a year, I've always enjoyed the info he has shared and his video's.
I've almost purchased Chet's course,simply because I enjoy his "style" so much.
I've almost purchased Chet's course,simply because I enjoy his "style" so much.
I "stumbled" across Chet's site while researching information about Rosey Bourkes
(scroll in my archives and check out my 4-16-08 post about my Little Miss Rosey Bourke).
One thing ...as you watch this video...notice, if you will, how many people are smiling.
A smile is infectious, also notice how little it takes to bring about a smile..parakeets are little are they not?
Here at farm funnies, I'm waiting for a delivery ( thus reading e-mails,and subsequently clicking on interesting sounding video links).
I found myself laughing out loud ,when the little keet shot a wad of something out of a cannon at his owner/show producer .
Enjoy, then give someone a smile today (even if it is yourself in the mirror)
A smile costs nothing to give , even if you are not feeling well. If you want to you can smile ,
years ago I was told it takes lots more muscles to frown (why are there so many frowning faces I often wonder. Frowning is actually the harder choice,causing more self damage, if you think about it)
I know it can be hard to smile, in difficult or painful times because I have chosen to do so.
I have smiled with tears streaming down my face while looking in the mirror, because of the situation I was in at the time. At the time even seeing myself smile caused more tears, I chose to continue smiling.
Life happens, sometimes life is painful,but how we weather the storms of life is up to us, it can be a moment by moment choice.
Without further adieu here is this darling and fun video .
Ya'all click your back arrow and come back here ... then why not look for one of my recipes and make something yummy while you smile today .
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