if memory serves me correctly there was one peacock egg,a couple of banty eggs
and a couple of call duck eggs in this shared nest.
Horton is a fella...you can read more about him and Maisey with posts :
(hmm this isn't allowing a link to the relevant posts, however I just published a draft with one of the Horton & Maisey stories, the date is 8,7,08 so you can look at older posts under that date for the new story))
Here at farm funnies you just never know who will sit on what
and sometimes you never know when and what will actually hatch.
Years ago I raised and sold canaries to pet stores.
Our 2 yr old was fascinated with the babies in the nest, she would fill a nest of coiled blankets with toys patiently waiting for them to hatch.
I would love to know what she envisioned would eventually hatch,she was so creative.
Moving to the "farm" ,two precious siblings later, our "gang" had new nesting models to emulate.
Baby sister and brother happily joined our "so big" gal , each digging to create very nice (deep)
nests in backyard sand ,then fully "fluffing" them with grass and straw.
This generally created good and peaceful play, and for the duration it was relatively easy to keep an eye on the kiddo's.
When the nesting "instinct" was in effect, farm funnies mom(me) was able to accomplish many projects that were a bit more demanding in nature.
I learned early to take advantage of the old adage: Make hay while the sun shines.
The only times I recall any difficulty was when baby brother grew old enough to enjoy guy "stuff".
Imagine a little boy,with older sisters , and him finding a hidden ,abandoned nest ...aka filled with what else...rotten eggs, just WAITING for the next nesting "game".
I will let your imagination fill in what disturbance in the "hen house" ensued.
Here is a link to a story I read ,with an equally funny story .
The author was teaching kitties to learn to use their little box during the time her grandaughter was unsuccessfully not being potty trained.
Another hmm, I guess my "cutter & paster" is on strike, so try this
http://www.care2.com/greenliving/literally-litter.html click on the literally litter story, it's cute.
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