I loved being a mom. I had such fun with puppets,sesame street and FUN....
I love being a grandma.., just think of how many new fun shows there are, so many more
fun songs, ideas etc.
My hat goes off to all the creative moms "out there" WOW the Internet is so fun..
I love reading and seeing different blogs and posts etc .
Currently I am only following a small number blogs closely. While I need to update the blogs I follow, if you click on the ones listed in my sidebar, you can click on blogs they subcribe to.
Just check out a couple a day and you will be blessed, I do.
I am always am blessed with new insights from so many moms, especially you home bound moms.
Mom's with super challenges, such as your own health difficulties, or child health issues.
You gals all amaze me... Go mom's you are Super.
One of my "grandma discoveries" is a Laurie Berkner, I love her songs,
Since this week was BUZZY with BEES here at farm funnies
check out her bumble bee song ( I listen to it ALL by myself, so you are "allowed" to too)
then click onto her dinosaur one , I love it too.. and of course " move like an emu" by the wiggles
(hey ,I was given an emu but since I wasn't sure how to "fit" her in here at farm funnies, I declined...for now.. :-) ..but don't tell farm funnies hubby! well seriously I don't think an emu world "work" so-o-o maybe not... )
(Laurie's. bumble bee
(wiggles move like an emu
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Need SLEEP ? Try Grandma's Feather Bed..
I remember my Grandma's feather bed, while we didn't get to sleep in it, I can remember helping to fluff it, I remember the billowy softness and always thought it would be great to
jump into it for a restful sleep, especially on snowy night.
My dear husband bought me a lovely goose down comforter several years ago, it conjures up warm memories of child hood.
While I have lots of negative "stuff" I could dwell on, I learned it doesn't pay to do that.
When any "stuff" tries to rob me of a good nights sleep, I can generally make it go "away" .
Then in my mind I can DIVE into Grandma's feather bed for a night of blissful sleep
Below is a link to a song by John Denver, that epitomizes the fun memories at both my Grandma's.
Here at farm funnies, I have always sought to be a proverb's 31 woman.(like grandma)
My "translation" , includes a grandma's room with a feather bed.
After many years of keeping this "dream" "warm" in my mind, it looks like it will soon become
a reality...(with the help of our soon to be Reality Home :-), I couldn't resist the "pun" )
Oh no..don't get me started..this reminds me of the movie ,
The Princess Bride...anybody wanna peanut?...
If you struggle with peaceful sleep, you can also check out my latest post over at my merryheart blog , where I have a new post giving more depth for finding peace and rest, than here at farm funnies.
Free, All natural,Blissful,Refreshing Restful SLEEP AIDE...
jump into it for a restful sleep, especially on snowy night.
My dear husband bought me a lovely goose down comforter several years ago, it conjures up warm memories of child hood.
While I have lots of negative "stuff" I could dwell on, I learned it doesn't pay to do that.
When any "stuff" tries to rob me of a good nights sleep, I can generally make it go "away" .
Then in my mind I can DIVE into Grandma's feather bed for a night of blissful sleep
Below is a link to a song by John Denver, that epitomizes the fun memories at both my Grandma's.
Here at farm funnies, I have always sought to be a proverb's 31 woman.(like grandma)
My "translation" , includes a grandma's room with a feather bed.
After many years of keeping this "dream" "warm" in my mind, it looks like it will soon become
a reality...(with the help of our soon to be Reality Home :-), I couldn't resist the "pun" )
Oh no..don't get me started..this reminds me of the movie ,
The Princess Bride...anybody wanna peanut?...
If you struggle with peaceful sleep, you can also check out my latest post over at my merryheart blog , where I have a new post giving more depth for finding peace and rest, than here at farm funnies.
Free, All natural,Blissful,Refreshing Restful SLEEP AIDE...
Protect the little piggy going to market !
There is a germ enlarger that was made available a number of years ago.
I'm surprised the center for disease control isn't already using this.
With the germ enlarger , it appears to me , it would be so easy to isolate and study any kind of disease germ.
With how well the pharmecudical industry likes to market handy items for us consumers,
I'm sure there must be some kind of handy travel pocket size detection kit, by now.
You know, like the little packages of hand wipes that you can stick in your purse or pocket.
Click on the link below to see how well this germ enlarger works, it is fantastic.
With the SWINE FLU outbreak, I'll order one of the little pocket vials, as soon as I can find one, or as the information is made available.
In the meantime lots and lots of hand washing, here at farm funnies .
As an added precaution , farm funnies mom and pop will be popping a wally--cam ( a cheaper version of zi --- cam) before and after trips to TOWN.
With such precautions in place, your little piggies (attached to your feet, of course, thus YOU) not only will be better protected, perhaps they will breath easier !
I'm confident the germ enlarger, will make it extremely easy to avoid the Swine Flu virus.
It appears the vial may be extremely inexpensive or absolutely FREE for the general public.
There might even be a home "recipie" for those of us who like to make our own "stuff".
Here is the link that gives a short video demonstration of how well the germ enlarger works
Friday, April 24, 2009
STOP and "hear" the sound of music at Grand Central Station at Antwerpen

What ever you are doing, where ever you are going , you sometimes need to stop or you will miss out.
Trust me you need to stop and seize the moment, it is now....
It won't take long, you will still "get where you are going" . I can almost guarantee your heart will be lighter, your spirit will be refreshed.
Our golden moments are here for a shimmer and gone before you know it, so grab everyone you can , that said now watch this then go and have a great FARM FUNNY packed day.
I did, my day will already be lighter and brighter :
thanks to most the recent post at fellow Renegade Pro Lisa's blog.
for more spring flowers go to my merryheart blog...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
the truth will prevail
I thought the officer involved had to work hard getting the truth to be revealed,
but it sure made a funny video.. yee haw !
but it sure made a funny video.. yee haw !
Monday, April 13, 2009
You are special.. so get healthy & save the farm by choosing organic

Only YOU can prevent the loss of the farm to the "dark side"
only YOU can choose what is best for YOU , so-o-o
For today's post , the focus is on YOU .. and how to be " green "...
OK, OK, umm HEALTHY, in each area of your life, I even share how to earn $$$ green $$$
during our current recession.
What else at farm funnies , but with fun in the process ... so check out this fun video
(click your back arrow to return here after you finish helping us save the FARM...)
I loved this little video, of course our home grown fruit & veggies, chuckled (really ! )
they cheerfully "give" us our home made jams,jellies and sauces.
Our bees were a buzzin' with giggles,
The critters were rolling with laughter..( got milk ? got fleece? )
A little family secret (NOT) ,side note... remember at farm funnies and a merry heart, this organic wanna-be , married a polymer chemist..WHA-T-T-T ???
"plastic"... OH NO !
So-o-amidst the organic "store wars, approach" to our farm we have and still are learning BALANCE...(with some "plastic")
in ALL areas of our lives...
Then remember it is YOU, the core YOU I care about..
As a reader at farm funnies and my merry heart blog , you know how I love my critters...
Guess what ? I love YOU more,
so who ya goin' call ? :-)
Also remember
You are # 1 my passion so-o-
#1 assisting you, your family & friends towards your healthy BMI (free "test" at my TSFL site)
is a pure joy for me... I do that for free...
#2 assisting you through any baggage/head stuff/struggles/temptations/fears...
so YOU can be your very best...
The best in all areas: the best YOU, the best mom/dad, have/do the best business etc.
hmm this is "free" too..
#3 assisting(giving) you options on how to get good "stuff" .
Some are free, some are not, some are from friends, some are from those who have products or services I use, or enjoy. (some I receive credit for ,for some I do not)
#4 assisting you with tools to start, promote, grow, and keep vitality in your own passions, or business.
#5 Today: TADA, I am adding ways you can earn either a little pocket money to help out
during our hard economic "crunch" , or a LOT .
With no or little investment , depending on what YOU decide,want or need...
Personally, I detest pressure, or what I consider the people "cookie cutters" approach to anything,
I am a creative artist after all, so you won't get pressure to "conform" from me...
however, you will need a few basic skills or building "blocks" for a firm foundation.
There are some basic principals ,that if you learn and apply them, you will achieve faster success.
You will need to make the first move, big or small.
There are several options for you :
#1 simply subscribe to one or more of my blogs, go to one of my sites and take the first step there.
This can be as simple as applying one of the principals shared in one of my blog posts.
I'm currently working on building a more user friendly site at my SBI for YOU, so hang on to your hat
#2 Share my blogs or sites with a friend ( be sure to have them tell me your name and address so I can send your refer a friend gift to you.
No this isn't a "gimmick to get your info" REALLY...
So how does a $25 gift certificate ,
sent in a real thank you card from my card site sound to you ? You will receive that just for referring a new qualified client or business team member to me.
When you do, you will "earn" more than $$ along your journey.
example if your friend chooses to become my personal TSFL client, your friend will LOSE
( weight that is, and quickly: 2-5 lbs a week , you can do this too!) and you will GAIN $$.
Most important you will gain what money cannot buy... assisting yourself or your friend to a healthier life and/or possibly saving their life..
This kind of earning goes way beyond any $$ . There are many testimonies of such clients, one spunky over 70 gal I personally know, her family was told to say goodbye to her just several years ago. Now she is drives her own car to deliver meals to "old people" .
My own husband had to lower his glasses prescription in order to improve his vision ? WOW... Me I didn't have to go "in" that scheduled knee surgery.
Another simple example: if you or your friend chooses to send one of my free to you gift cards, a life can also be touched and transformed. (Testimonies of such transformations ,including wedding bells, are available at my card site)
So take a few minutes to LOOK, LEARN, LISTEN, DECIDE, then DO.
Do what YOU want...when,where,how...
You are welcome to call or e-mail me for more information, as well.
I am here for YOU ...
Now step outside, if for only a moment, look at a far away mt. or close your eyes and pretend to and take a deep breath of fresh air
Remember to pie al'a mode LIFE to the fullest,
That's where I am headed because I just heard some wild geese calling to my domesticated geese.
Spring is in the air and they are in "LOVE"...
Some draughts of fresh spring air for both of us to clear out the "cobwebs" be renewed, refreshed and invigorated.
My cell phone is in my pocket, I am waiting to hear from you ...
Some housekeeping FYI
a business/google common courtesy:
please remember, when visiting any ones site :
If you have benefited in some way , to return the kindness shared.
Anyone who has any kind of home business, on line or not, even if the service is free to you, they
most likely receive remuneration from the company represented. It is only when you are connected via their site info or ID# or your active participation at their store that they benefit.
This same principal applies in blessings, let others know you have been blessed or touched by them, if possible. No doubt you've heard the story of the favorite school teacher who blessed and inspired many students, who thought she was a failure after many years of teaching, until one student returned to share what an impact she had made in his life.
On line this translates to...If you later decide to order/use the item or info, and simply google the easiest link ( not real sites, these are examples only... typing http://www.store/ vs the "extra " reference information that links the company to the individual you benefited from ( as betty or 221 as in http://www.betty.store/ or www.store/221 , or http://www.betty.store/ )
then any earned commission is given to someone else, lost or the company keeps "it" all
AND you often receive less, at a higher cost to you...
You owe it to your self and to your "host" to do return the kindness.
This only takes a little effort of typing a few extra numbers or letters, and means much to those concerned.
My apologies if this seems redundant to some of you.
This part is intended for "newbies".
It was only a little over 2 yrs ago, as a "newbie' that I was terrified of computers, not remotely aware of being what a blog was, how to set up a website , or how people could earn or miss earning via their home-based business.
My goal in this p.s. is to save lost earnings for those you benefit from.
I hope to prevent any "newbie" from making the mistakes I did.
(some of my newbie mistakes cost not only my new friend lost earnings, but cost me time , many $'s and trouble to "fix' (if it could be) ... , and that can be difficult AFTER...(so I learned)
Many blessings, Betty
Friday, April 3, 2009
Them thar cud chewing ,sweet milkers
I received a forward from one of my clients with this delightful cud chewing giraffe looking at me, to "see" what I was doing...it reminded me of my cows and I wanted you to see it. ( or is that have it see you ? :-)
Of course ,a no go...
so what's a farm funnies gal going to do?
why google YOU TUBE ,of course (click your back arrow each time to return here)
the giraffe's chewing cuds led me right back to the farm
so here is a
a cow named Randall chewing a cud
peaceful cows grazing with beautiful music
then viola'
a how to milk a cow video ..(I hand milked for years, and I loved it) the guy tells you right..
Of course ,a no go...
so what's a farm funnies gal going to do?
why google YOU TUBE ,of course (click your back arrow each time to return here)
the giraffe's chewing cuds led me right back to the farm
so here is a
a cow named Randall chewing a cud
peaceful cows grazing with beautiful music
then viola'
a how to milk a cow video ..(I hand milked for years, and I loved it) the guy tells you right..
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