Sunday, December 28, 2008
What? A snow picnic?
Job security for hard times, creative fun ways to earn $$$
Christmas gift returns, easy as pie, just call this #
Not to worry, perhaps these two brave souls will help you. They figured out a way to have
their salad dressing business have a turn around .
you simply had to call this phone number...who know's perhaps it will 'WORK' for returns?
Piano playin chickens..sesame style

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
NOT SO HO HO HO...OH NO , SNOW ! and easy no fail pie crust rescipie
It was just a SIMPLE trip to town with our 4 wheel drive.., That's all...
Change into "town" clothes, smile, yes it will go ... oh no.... vrooooom.......spinnnnn.....sliddddeeee....spewwww.....get stuck,reverse, slidddeeeddd... go into ditch... back into work clothes, grab a shovel,uncover the tractor, get it started , LOOK OUT for the hot wire over the horse gate, lift gates buried in snow to open them, then lift back to close them, close horse gates,reopen them close them , call wife back from her hilarious photo "shoot" , hook suv to tractor, , pull ....only to get the tractor stuck too, tell wife to go away (well not exactly, but I did)
wow ...I got lots of nice snow shots, I also got stuck in the ditch up to my knees when I stepped into a snow bank off of the main road to town , hopefully to be SAFER ? from an oncoming vehicle. Thank goodness I didn't also need the tractor to get out of my snow was still stuck... Oh I hear it now, oops, photo shoot is over, back to see if I can "help?"
Tractor made it up the hill, and was headed back down ??? I am sludging my way behind yep the snow is over my boot tops, NICE...brrrr........
SUV take 2.... get on your mark get set.......vrooommmmm spinnnnn,sliddddeeee mud, snow and gravel spewing everywhere. AGAIN only worse...our gorgeous snow laden driveway where is it???
Stuck AGAIN...I said it was because of the red survey flag for our new home...after all every time any vehicle reached the FLAG it stopped. dig out SUV again,then drive backwards, hit a tree, hit a buried log alongside the driveway...almost hit gate, well this WAS a fun trip to town,after all....
What about going back up the hill for a video ( I missed the first time, I was so spellbound during the EVENT..)that suggestion came out of my mouth, the same time it dawned on me what a very bad idea it was, but up the hill , went hubby in suv....suv must be related to Thomas the train...I think I can ,I think I can, I know I can...vrooooom......slidddde,spinnn.....vrooooom....snow,gravel flying.....and to the top "she" went. only to get stuck again, shovel if you please ...anyone?
Umm ,,,hubby,,,,I thinketh ...ummm...thou mayest.... shouldest ....letteth... sleeping suv's be. Finally very tired, hubby agreed to try later, WHEW, I was relieved, hubby was beginning to worry me... Good thing this was a "dry" run to town...since we didn't get out of our drive, Snow in our near future? Yep, 4 more inches predicted tonight...I do love snow, but maybe we have enough now, for where we live?
can I bake a cherry pie ,billy boy ,billy boy? yes I can and so I will, I'm still a young thing , and I really left my mother... after all it is Christmas eve tomorrow, we may lose electricity yet, and one of my kids really does enjoy a cherry pie, and of course pumpkin pie for the other "tooths"yum.
Did you know pumpkin is extremely good for dogs indigestion? I often add about 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin to the dogs food ( they do like it better when it is pie form, so I baked the left over filling in a small oven proof bowl to "serve" for a "snack" for the lil pups :-) barky bark...
Easy no fail pie crust recipe : (so easy even a kid can do it)
When I was a young bride, i watched a lot of cooking shows for ideas to become a better cook...this recipe has become a standby, prepared it has "gone" to school pie sales,church bake sales ,pie socials and potlucks,family gatherings,and potlucks,to homes in pain or struggles. May it serve you well too.
for a two crust pie, 2 1 crust pies or for baked shells.(can double or triple recipe)
2 cups of flour cut in 1 cup of (originally called for shortening) I use butter or lard 1/2 cup of cold water , this will be a shade dough, gather and turn out on a well floured board, knead a few times (about 10) divide in half (divide accordingly if you increased the recipe, if you double it you can easily get 2 two crusts and 1 single crust pies out of the dough
pat out your circle of dough ,flour your rolling pin ( I use a marble rolling pin, it is so much nicer) rolling from middle of the circle outwards, roll out your dough when it is the right size kind of roll onto your rolling pin and lift it to your pan and "roll" onto it, slightly press in pan and crimp the edges if it is for a single crust or to be a baked crust (prick with a fork if it is, and set an empty pie dish inside the dough, set a soup can half full with water in the empty pan)
bake 425 degrees 12-15 min
Gift ideas for next year
WATER:If you are stranded like we have been, and haven't finished your shopping you can still give a wonderful gift, check out the link to Abba Stories where you can find how you can give a gift of water....this one would fit my merryheartblog
Goats,Chickens,Heifer: I've been considering this one myself , it seems appropriate for my farmfunnies blog... , I shared this idea with client/great new friend ,since she was stranded too. She went a step farther, each of her kids is getting either chickens or a goat in their Christmas stocking (ok, ok a card with a picture of one), what a great idea Carole :-)
Monday, December 22, 2008
A snow day on the farm
Hey kiddo's here is grandma having fun in the snow with our critters FUN FUN FUN.....
storm survial skills& tips...really this time :-) AND easy fudge recipie
The snow is deeper than the tops of your cozy snow boots...
(over your floral longies)
The dogs have cabin fever, and since they can't run off their energy they
enjoy a good snow tackle Roo and Kate Tae kwon do style, every time they are let out.
The desert cayuses look depressed everytime they venture out of the barn
WHERE is the SUN???
The water is frozen until mom or dad break up the ice with a hammer...THANKS MOM!!
Here are some basic survival tips and skills.
CATS RULE : basic survival skills down home on da farm, when snow abounds and the mice are scarce
My name is Smokey
It's so quiet out here why nothing is stirring, not even a mouse.
AND we've lost our kitten mittens...meow,meow,meow............
My name is Roo-die, mom calls me her brave hero "little" ROO,
well I did rescue one of her grandsons , and I was little once.
I saved the kid from drowning
when he accidentally fell into water. The water can get deep around here,
especially when this stuff melts.....and back then little kids could move faster
than mom then, boy not now, look at her go, us dogs can hardly keep up with her
sometimes she wears me out now, but I must admit it is fun going on walks and to
the beach with her now.
HEY .............Katie ............where are you ?
Where are those pesky CATS, the mousehunter "wanna" be's
yeah right, they chow down on moms yummy breakfasts, snuggle down in a warm
stack of hay and just lie around all the time....They think they are so GREAT...
Here kitty kitty, ummm hey guys.......hey anybody.............
What gives? I'm all alone outside in the cold, where did everyone go?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
barn raising (gingerbread style)
Snow photo's for Grandkids
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Time to make the donuts & Cherry Danish to die for
Friday, December 12, 2008
Gingerbread house recipe (for dummies) simplified
I know these cookies are store bought, but they were just too too cute,
I found them at a store called Big Lots (where excess things are sold until they are gone, you never know what you'll discover there)
BESIDES grandma's can do such things for their grand kids, right?
Back to our gingerbread houses for dummies ...
The DUMMY was me ...many years ago,
With kids, critters and of course all the fun fun fun with all that goes on at farmfunnies,
out of necessity I needed and liked things fast,easy,duplicate able and what else SIMPLE...
So simple a child could do it...umm even me :-),
I also wanted and needed a method that could be created with minimum adult hands on , after all the kids were the ones I did this for. I needed something to happen so THEIR project,minus tears shed when the whole structure collapsed before the little budding gingerbread engineers..WOULDN'T happen.
I will go into some antiquated photo albums and look for some photo's of houses(past) which stood the test of time(until eaten, of course) and add them to this post at a later date..
The other evening on our way home from our fortieth annual Christmas shopping trip
I went into our local bin type grocery store, and purchased an arsenal of ginger bread house supplies, for a couple of our grand kids very 1st annual gingerbread home construction.
Here is a photo of their list, following is my how to mix,bake,and construct your own ginger bread house SIMPLIFIED of course.
So just what was on their list you may be wondering.
They wanted gumdrops for a gumdrop garden,
gummy bears to make a chimney
laffy taffy to make window and door sills
candy canes for a fence
a lifesaver for a door wreath for their hershey bar door ( wow, no need to huff and puff to blow this door down,just nibble your way through it)
chocolate chip cookies for the shingles on the roof
ice cream cones to build icing trees with
mike and ikes for , oops I forgot what,
and of course grandma had to add the bear ,penguins and gingerbread man
My son just used this recipe and said it did very well and tasted good too.
Since we've had our power "flicker" I won't try to locate my old stand by one.
1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup molasses
5 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
Mix ingredients together until well combined, wrap in plastic and chill for 3 hours. Roll dough out, cut with floured cookie cutters. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Heat oven to 375 degrees, bake for 8 minuets, until brown. Decorate and enjoy !
below are my house tips
Thanks to Daughter-in-love for e-mailing this recipe to me.
A true labour of love, for this gingerbread recipe collector.
TIPS: create your pattern: make it a simple rectangle shape out of paper or cardboard
2 4x6 (sides) , 2 4x4 pitched ends, 2 roofs ( I measure the slope of the pitch and add an over hang, and I also have the roof longer than the house sides ( you need a place for frosting icicles to hang)
roll out dough on floured surface, run a spatula under your dough so it isn't sticking to the surface
cut out your house, move to your cookie sheet (you can gently roll it up on your rolling pin to transfer the dough ( or you could gently roll it out on parchment perhaps) be sure to cut out doors and windows (if you want a stained window you can place aluminium foil over your cookie sheet and prepare it as above, then in the window space place some crushed candy's (like life savors, they will melt and become transparent, if you cut a little opening to the floor in back of your house you could even run a Christmas light bulb to add light after your home is assembles and secure)
Bake as above, as soon as your house comes out of the oven place your house stencil over the cookie and trim while it is still warm. let cool before removing from your cookie sheet.
Cover a piece of cardboard with foil and now you are ready to build.
Melt some sugar (about 1/2 cup )in a cast iron skillet (you do have one don't you? well if not a very heavy pan) it will turn dark quickly and it is extremely hot!! Have the kids far away sampling some hot coco or testing the roof shingles, while you do this part.
Hold two sides of house at right angles and with a spoon let the very hot syrup run down the inside corners, it sets almost instantly, repeat until your walls are "raised"
attach the roof, and then poor a bit on your foil to secure the house to your aluminum foundation.
Beat some royal frosting , it will dry to a hard frosting( I use meringue powder, you can find this with cake decorating supplies If you need this recipe ask me)
let the kids frost and decorate as they desire ( be sure to keep a moist paper towel over your bowl of frosting, it dries out quickly)
All I want for Christmas,join me in the HIPPO parade

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
some like it (not) so hot...phototonic TORCHING
I mean horses don't fake feeling better, you can't get a much better testimony that a horse, or any critter for that matter.
In a recent post about neck and back pain I shared how much I have benefited with a posture pump, my chiropractor recommended for my (umm not so good neck).
You know how one thing leads to another..right? So-o- I decided to allow a comment to that particular post, one with a link to an amazing video with a DR. Goodman.,
That in turn started me to think about kudos for other Dr.s whom I have been blessed to have received help from. You can read all about them by scrolling to the neck pain post.
Does anyone remember the leave it to Beaver show? Well, in one show Wally told little Beaver how (I think it was Eddie) had been dropped off the roof and bounced across the lawn on his head, ( that was why he was so "dumb") Well I literally was dropped (ok, ok, ok , mom said I fell) off a porch and fell one flight of steps onto concrete landing on my head (duh, no wonder my neck has troubled me "some" ) Of course in saying this, I am "exposed" to my kids humorous?
comments, or complaints...but they are all grown and on their own , so I can "take it" now...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Poor, poor Mama, have you had enough ?
Of course it "linked" me not only to a catastrophic train wreck, but to an idea,
then of course to view how a u-tube would appear in my post,
THEN ....(click on )
the next thing I know I was laughing so hard, with tears running down my cheeks, the dogs even came in to see what was going on.
A flood of memories, raced across my mind.
I'll just share, one of the memories . I certainly identified with poor momma when she tried to spank her nearly grown son. Hey, it's bad enough to have to correct kids you love, but when they are bigger and stronger than you and they laugh, NO FUN...
What can I say, for all those times I had had enough, I wouldn't trade a one, I love my kids
and they each such good parents.
Kudo's to all loving parents (be they your own children, or kids you help others with), raising kids is hard work at times when you are in the trenches with flu,teething,quarrels,terrible two's etc. A few extra kudo's to my own kid's on jobs very well done,thus far)
Ok , Ok, Kate and Roo, the sun is shining, yes I have a couple of outside things to tend to , so I will really go out side this time..
while I'm outside you might enjoy another comedy video , by Mark Lowry
Have yourself a Merry Little Christ-mas
(more will be in an upcoming post)
The Christmas Star, watch it shine brightly this year
In these Mark Lowery is singing, Mary did You Know, in both reditions,
I love this song
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Send a free , REAL Christmas card to someone you love

These are ornaments on last years tree, I love horses, can't you tell?
I can make this card, and it will have a stamp placed on it and be sent to two different homes (or more if I choose) in less time than it takes to say Rumpelstiltskin's (well almost) and it will cost me less than a dollar each for each card, stamp and all. If you would like to try one click I have a gift account set up , just for you :-), There is a how to video that will help you. Have fun, 'cause at farm funnies we want FUN,FUN, FUN :-)
Just in time for Christmas ,a coffee house gift pack

Neck and back pain? Here's what helps us at farm funnies
You can take a nap under your favorite tree, but that doesn't always help, does it?
Here is a link to a item Betty has really benefited from, the video at the site is really interesting, check it out.
After reading a reply and checking out the link to an amazing video with Dr. Goodman, I decided to make an addition to this post, if you have neck or back pain, you do need to check with your physician. I also go to my chiropractor, and he is the one who recommended this posture pump for my neck. Now it looks like it would be a good idea to clone Dr. Goodman AND his equipment :-)
As for other "clones" perhaps Dr. Robert Elliot, who is no longer with us. He was an amazing Chiropractor, his mother was one of the first women Chiropractors, and his brother was the well known missionary killed by the Acua Indians in South America, Jim Elliot.
Other chiropractor kudos, both Dr.Bruce and Tom Pace, Dr.Michael Toby Dr. Daugherty and Dr.
McDonald, of Cascade Health Center, who recommended the posture pump to me.
( he also is one of the few chiropractors who uses laser light treatments..WOW...great for soft tissue damage. I first became aware of laser light therapy
while watching Pat Parelli, one of the most amazing horse trainers I've ever seen.
they have laser lights available for horses,dogs and people .
kudos to Dr. McDonald and his amazing methods with the phototonic torch. - HORSE HEALTH - Equine Photonic Therapy Torch
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Dogs, Ice and Greensleeves , ocarina syle of course
