What's on our Christmas list at farmfunnies ....what else but HIPPO"S , of course.
I follow a couple of blogs and this is what one plucky little gal wants
she's beginning to get a following, her little brother now wants one
Join me in the hippo parade....march on over to A Hippotamus for Christmas? Ackkk!!! Make It Stop!!
Farm funnies offers the hippo dazed mom a couple of solutions :
we really like this one, you can't get much better than decking the halls (or did they sing walls?) with cows and collies....
perhaps little furry rodents singing a Christmas song (wow over 1 million people have gone to utube to watch these little rats :-) wonder the little critters didn't get "stepped" on, in the rush
A song exemplifying words of caution for Christmas wishes. One needs to be careful what you wish for :-)
One of my favorite Christmas greetings (updated for 2008)to those who love the "holidays"...
A song with beautiful backdrop for a grown up Christmas list ...by Amy Grant
then how about a new Christmas movie to put in your stocking ? Based on a true story
of course you may want to scroll to one of my 2007 Christ-mas posts and watch the video links to a couple of popular new songs for Christmas I shared last year...
Merry Christmas readers...now read my next post and why not make a gingerbread house with or for kids.. (oops, it's half way written,we have a storm warning, the wind is beginning to gain momentum)
Before I can finish it I have to get all water "things" done ASAP...and be "ready".
We often lose power here at farmfunnies, when a storm hits.
Our worst "survival, was in the middle of one of our worst ever floods, com plete with a power pole down across our drive,
Thus no electricity for nearly 2 weeks,and we had just switched to a pellet stove, i.e. no HEAT..of course this was with frozen ground and snow and what else?
We got so cold it was all not even "fun" to snuggle down in a sleeping bag and read a book by candlelight..
I think the high point of warmth was packing water in buckets to our critter family.( we couldn't safely get to our neighbors,,even by walking) due to the high water around us and power poles down on our driveway)
Here at farmfunnies, critter tending is always finis' before the storm hits,
a walkabout to make sure everything is in its place,secure etc.
Every bucket , water barrel,stock tank AND the bathtub FULL of water, plus a couple of canners filled with water for cleaning dishes (yes ,we do use paper plates too)
candles ready? check
propane "
clothes all washed "
dishes all washed "
flashlights found "
some easily prepared meals "
if cold outside, blankets to hang in doors
(basically making one room we can keep warm "...
hey I'd better get moving... all this to say, I'll finish the gingerbread post, when I am finis'
with the storm "watch" readiness, and providing we have power...
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