You can take a nap under your favorite tree, but that doesn't always help, does it?
Here is a link to a item Betty has really benefited from, the video at the site is really interesting, check it out.
After reading a reply and checking out the link to an amazing video with Dr. Goodman, I decided to make an addition to this post, if you have neck or back pain, you do need to check with your physician. I also go to my chiropractor, and he is the one who recommended this posture pump for my neck. Now it looks like it would be a good idea to clone Dr. Goodman AND his equipment :-)
As for other "clones" perhaps Dr. Robert Elliot, who is no longer with us. He was an amazing Chiropractor, his mother was one of the first women Chiropractors, and his brother was the well known missionary killed by the Acua Indians in South America, Jim Elliot.
Other chiropractor kudos, both Dr.Bruce and Tom Pace, Dr.Michael Toby Dr. Daugherty and Dr.
McDonald, of Cascade Health Center, who recommended the posture pump to me.
( he also is one of the few chiropractors who uses laser light treatments..WOW...great for soft tissue damage. I first became aware of laser light therapy
while watching Pat Parelli, one of the most amazing horse trainers I've ever seen.
they have laser lights available for horses,dogs and people .
kudos to Dr. McDonald and his amazing methods with the phototonic torch. - HORSE HEALTH - Equine Photonic Therapy Torch
An injured neck or cervical spine can cause pain and other symptoms on the arm and shoulder.Left untreated neck pain can progress into more severe conditions, such as herniated discs and osteoporosis. Spinal decompression treatment is an innovative solution to neck pain that has been proven as an effective alternative to surgery. Patients suffering from chronic neck pain are advised to set up a regular consultation with their doctor. Don't allow your neck pain to take control of your life. Start living pain free. Contact Dr. Howard Goodman in Midtown for a consultation and to know about the treatments for neck pain relief, here is the link
Sarah,Jason and Dr. Goodman
I appreciated your excellent comments concerning this post. I have tried to allow them to be published. My blog isn't letting me at this time. I made an addition to this post because of your comments. Betty
Apologies Sophia, My blog wouldn't let me go back and correct your name, but it finally did allow me to publish your post. Wao what an amaxzing video with Dr. Goodman. I wish he was closer to where I live.
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