My apoligies for those "following" the infatuated Horton leaving "his" nest of duck eggs to "woo" Maisey...I just discovered this post was still...umm incubating :-)...
Maisey is newest farm funnies "gal" ( she is a rescued peafowl, who had abandoned her three eggs, (well this was partly due to being rescued. I also rescued her eggs and tucked them under one of Horton's egg hatching protege'....little black ( a small bantie hen).
Wow this almost sounds like a tv soap... perhaps I have a new rendition ?
With "feathers" ruffled, will there be trouble in the hen house when new chicks arrive on the scene?
(well in this instance apparently not. "We ended up without chicks of any kind...
Horton's duck eggs chilled.
Little Blacks swapped eggs , all but one was abandoned.
The "adopted" peacock eggs, she, booted out all but one ,then days later she became "bored" due to the extended hatching "date"....mom (me) was so sad... the lone little peacock egg was "with" chick, but of course chilled, when little black went gallivanting... stay "tuned" to the next episode.
To the "days in the henhouse"
Will the flamboyant and colorful dad ever be rescued and reunited with his beloved Maisey?
Will jealousy ensue when he spies Horton ,who is smitten with the love of his life?
Will Horton receive the cold shoulder from all,when he hatches something?
Will Maisey confess to flitting eyelashes at Horton?
Will Little black ever pass egg hatching 101,
Will the little call ducks decide to raise their own family?
Oh my ...what is a farm yard to do?