YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS'S (our bee condos)
T R I C K or T R E A T
While I refuse to support or encourage what has increasingly become commonly endorsed in our culture for All Hallow's Eve..(evil,ghouls and such) I do love to bake cookies,make candies and load up a tray and numerous treat bags for my "little" friends... Doing research this past year , about All Hallow's Eve and All Saints Day , I like the way the Catholic church would have the church totally dark on All Hallow's Eve (All Holy Eve) then bring in the Easter candle to light the darkness. Everyone would stand giving greetings of Alleluia Christ is risen... He is risen indeed....Alleluia ( I added the color of green to remind us of the new life we can have in Him, "If" we will but accept it) All Saints day was originally to remember the Saints . Not being Catholic I do not know if this is something they still do however.( http://ancient-future.nethalloween.html/ ; http://www.churchyear.net/allsaints.html ; http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/1506/all-hallows-eve/index.htm?20071 ; http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/holydays/halloween.shtml; http://www.liturgy.co.nz/churchyear/allsaintsvigil.html perhaps you would enjoy honoring the Saints before us, especially those who have sacrificed by living Godly lives, at a great price. Such great cost of life is still going on in our present day world, though we don't hear much about it....(odd that Christians can be killed and tortured and not much is said,but great lengths about the death of a condemned criminal in our "news?"....( an earlier post tells you ,that having such a love of critters, not only do I study them I ruminate too (on ideas , that is !!!!)....( why not start a new family tradition ??? For All Hallow's Eve 2008 , having the room all dark and lighting a candle to remind us of how Christ is the true light of the world.then reading the 11th chapter of Hebrews and thanking God for all of our many blessings ,especially the price for many of these blessings by not only Saints before us ,but the soldiers who sacrifice much ,even life for our freedoms . Perhaps reading the Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall or The Divine Romance, by Edwards or God came Near by Max Lucado during the month of October, hey give your kids a real treat and take all out to pizza when everyone has read one of these books????...???? Bake some fun cookies....the little owls have a cashew bill . white candy melts are placed on hot cookies and then a black m&m makes the pupil....a spider cupcake has licorish legs and a black gumdrop head placed on a chocolate frosted cupcake , dipped in chocolate sprinkles for a fuzzy body :-) enjoy.......
No I'm King

a kiss lasting for for 39 years

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