Porsey, Yep I've loved the 4 legged critters
I think before I was even born....PORSEY one of my first words......

Ahh my prince would that thou drink deeply fom my lips...
(in horse language it is drink deeply of my lungs...
here Czar and I exchange breathing.....this truly is amazing....not every horse will do it with you there is a trust and "love" relationship for such to happen....Over my lifetime I've had the privilege to have and or work with 16 horses and Czar is the only one who I've ever exchanged breaths with....Ahh I drink deeply from your lungs ...dear prince .....and you from mine.....a piece of heaven on earth.......

A mini trail ride,to let the dogs run and give the kids ponies a bit of variety from winter paddocks and to stretch their legs a bit....(yay "mom" can ride again,,and my balance is returning...after losing over a hundred pounds and maintaining it for over a year it is so wonderful to be enjoying things I thought were lost to me.....YAY....)

A mini trail ride,to let the dogs run and give the kids ponies a bit of variety from winter paddocks and to stretch their legs a bit....(yay "mom" can ride again,,and my balance is returning...after losing over a hundred pounds and maintaining it for over a year it is so wonderful to be enjoying things I thought were lost to me.....YAY....)

Take a few minutes, close your eyes, and remember something or someone you love, and let it warm your heart................ if you are able find a way to do something ...even if only for a few minutes that will not only warm warm your heart but refresh your spirit....Carpe Diem !!!!
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