Sunday, November 11, 2007

photo fun

YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS'S (our bee condos)

T R I C K or T R E A T

While I refuse to support or encourage what has increasingly become commonly endorsed in our culture for All Hallow's Eve..(evil,ghouls and such) I do love to bake cookies,make candies and load up a tray and numerous treat bags for my "little" friends... Doing research this past year , about All Hallow's Eve and All Saints Day , I like the way the Catholic church would have the church totally dark on All Hallow's Eve (All Holy Eve) then bring in the Easter candle to light the darkness. Everyone would stand giving greetings of Alleluia Christ is risen... He is risen indeed....Alleluia ( I added the color of green to remind us of the new life we can have in Him, "If" we will but accept it) All Saints day was originally to remember the Saints . Not being Catholic I do not know if this is something they still do however.( http://ancient-future.nethalloween.html/ ; ; ;; perhaps you would enjoy honoring the Saints before us, especially those who have sacrificed by living Godly lives, at a great price. Such great cost of life is still going on in our present day world, though we don't hear much about it....(odd that Christians can be killed and tortured and not much is said,but great lengths about the death of a condemned criminal in our "news?"....( an earlier post tells you ,that having such a love of critters, not only do I study them I ruminate too (on ideas , that is !!!!)....( why not start a new family tradition ??? For All Hallow's Eve 2008 , having the room all dark and lighting a candle to remind us of how Christ is the true light of the world.then reading the 11th chapter of Hebrews and thanking God for all of our many blessings ,especially the price for many of these blessings by not only Saints before us ,but the soldiers who sacrifice much ,even life for our freedoms . Perhaps reading the Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall or The Divine Romance, by Edwards or God came Near by Max Lucado during the month of October, hey give your kids a real treat and take all out to pizza when everyone has read one of these books????...???? Bake some fun cookies....the little owls have a cashew bill . white candy melts are placed on hot cookies and then a black m&m makes the pupil....a spider cupcake has licorish legs and a black gumdrop head placed on a chocolate frosted cupcake , dipped in chocolate sprinkles for a fuzzy body :-) enjoy.......


No I'm King


a kiss lasting for for 39 years

Kissing a Czar (my handsome prince)



Porsey, Yep I've loved the 4 legged critters

I think before I was even born....PORSEY one of my first words......

Ahh my prince would that thou drink deeply fom my lips...

(in horse language it is drink deeply of my lungs...

here Czar and I exchange breathing.....this truly is amazing....not every horse will do it with you there is a trust and "love" relationship for such to happen....Over my lifetime I've had the privilege to have and or work with 16 horses and Czar is the only one who I've ever exchanged breaths with....Ahh I drink deeply from your lungs ...dear prince .....and you from mine.....a piece of heaven on earth.......

Exchanging our breathing.....

A mini trail ride,to let the dogs run and give the kids ponies a bit of variety from winter paddocks and to stretch their legs a bit....(yay "mom" can ride again,,and my balance is returning...after losing over a hundred pounds and maintaining it for over a year it is so wonderful to be enjoying things I thought were lost to me.....YAY....)

Take a few minutes, close your eyes, and remember something or someone you love, and let it warm your heart................ if you are able find a way to do something ...even if only for a few minutes that will not only warm warm your heart but refresh your spirit....Carpe Diem !!!!

My life has gone to the dogs !!!!!

Have you ever noticed just the changing of one little thing can change EVERYTHING ??

In the previous post I wrote how we have Angel visiting us. Adding a grown dog to a home can be rather adventurous, adding one to a family, even more adventurous....adding one to a family with other dogs hmmmm,well this can be challenging, now add other critters WOW!!! Well this has turned out to be a rather pleasant experience. Angel remembers us enough to feel at home and Casper and Roo and Angel have had fun having a "family reunion" and YAY for Katie, and Angel, after a bit of uncertainty of "their" roles they are having great fun with each other....Actually Angels confidence has helped Katie...Katie had evidently had some puppy memories from her babyhood (prior to coming to us) that must have caused her to be unsure of other dogs. So hugs for Angel helping Katie grow in this area :-) Our first day of routine chores was a challenge for "mom" but it turned into great fun for everyone else, and after a .......hey I'm the mom....... and "mom" RULES ......reminders we've all had great fun....

Listen up "Guys"

Monday, November 5, 2007


I was reminded today of enjoying life, even in simple pleasures or pursuits. The day stated off simple enough, everyone fed and tended, even little miss Angelina Ballerina,who several days ago had twirled herself into a piece of innocent twine, until she was firmly entrapped. Did you know Alpaca fiber is not only very soft, it is very STRONG ??? Those few strands of her fleece, were so entangled with that tiny little piece of baling twine, I thought I'd never get her loose( it was the end of a piece tied to hold a fence panel out of the way) Baby alpacas do not like to hold still while you are untangling them. Especially when, as granddaughter would say , it is ouchie...YIKES...

Well "we" did get her loose. Roo,Katie,Casper and several kittens all thought, THEY had done a remarkable job...

Now ,no more pirouettes...little ballerina !!!!


Thankfully several days before I had purchased a tube of Arnica. One of my daughters had told me how well it worked for bruises. I thought I'd buy some ,to keep on hand to give it a try (good thing I did , as it turned out). I put the Arnica on little missy twice a day....and her very sore and angry looking ouchie was looking much better this morning, good thing ,as I was leaving later and thus, hubby gets to be the "game" warden for a few days while I help out with grandkids....I left the poor guy with an ouchie alpaca who needs Arnica applied twice daily and Angel, who had just arrived to stay with us for two weeks ,while her family is in Hawaii, (a long overdue vacation,for a family we became friends with, over a little black puppy.

Who is Angel? A gorgeous black Shepherd who we purchased a a darling puppy, two years ago . I spent almost a year working on show obedience training with her as I was planning to work on getting her CD . For some unapparent reason, she began to do in some of our exotic wildfowl. Since the original breeder's husband had hoped no one would purchase her, we offered her back to them. She is a beautiful dog and it will be fun to have her for a visit.( Albeit closely supervised around any small critters )

Now what has this all to do with hot dog ???

Remembering to enjoy each day , as we never know what each day will hold....

after leaving the 'gang" and driving to my daughter's home , several hours away. I ended up following two bikers. As we travelled along down a back country road, I noticed the larger biker was always behind, and I thought perhaps it was a Dad and a kid or perhaps a a boyfriend and girlfriend. The front biker was very straight forward and kept an even pace and never wavered in "his/her" biking, the following biker, I at first I thought he was having difficulties, then I got to noticing, he would lag behind and was wobbling , then I realized he wasn't wobbling he was "feeling" the road" if you will. Then he lagged way behind and all of a sudden he did a Wheelie. !!!..He was hot doggin' ...and I realized he was really having fun riding his bike... while I can't say it was a good thing to do on a road in front of a car, I was reminded how we each approach life, we're all different and each approach has consequences.

We can be obedient, and then perhaps lose our place if we choose to do out "own" thing like Angel chasing "chickens". We can get in a real fix if we don't watch where we twirl, like Angelina

Or like the biker we can enjoy to the full extent ,what life has for us in in joyous abandonment and face the winds of life with confidence...when we know who holds not only tomorrow in His hands, but each and every minute of the day....

So the next time you go shopping, look for a tube of Arnica, let the wind blow in your face, do something with real enjoyment....and

you too can say HOT DOG