We are here, we are here
Have you ever noticed it is the little things that really matter ?
As I wrote the we are here we are here I thought of the little bits of fluff that were on a little flower in a Dr Seuss book, and it was one smallwee voice that made all the difference.
The other day as I was working on the computer, Katie,kept coming up and wedging her nose under my arm and of course making it impossible for granny to write,so granny decided this must be a hint for some fresh air and...Granny tries to listen to the wee small things in life, and if she forgets, why there is someone such as Katie to remind her.....so out "we" went
It turned into a lovely break as "we" grabbed some pruning clippers to open up a new trail around a fallen tree that had stop our woodsy jaunts for far to long... brush begone granny chanted, while the dogs were content to follow their noses to new and exciting adventures,until granny called them back...granny declared the trail sufficiently passable so back to the paddocks with a bridle in hand and both Ginger and Midnight became the trail blazers for a brave new "world" Czar and Malahara nickered their dismay as they were left behind, their chance will come, granny promised.
With plenty of fresh air in every ones lungs and the cobwebs cleared from at least granny's mind "we" were all able to head back to our prospective "duties" with renewed vigor.
How many of us take the time to heed the little things in life, to savor the golden glints of sun on a fluffy cloud, or the sparkling diamond dew
on a morning spiderweb.......a soft furry kitten tumbling about, as it is learning to walk, our children when they ask us for the bazillion th time , to read the same story again. I often am reminded of the 23rd psalm about how the sheep lie down in green pastures....why ??? they are comforted,trusting,they are at peace,they are content,they NEED to, that is when the ruminate. My beloved cows would lie down and ruminate, I loved to watch them. We too need to ruminate, not our meals, of course, but our lives....What matters most to us??? What drives us ???What do we hear ourselves telling us???? I just started to read a book called your body believes every word you say, and thus far it is going along with where my thoughts have currently been.
Do we have a goal, do we want to just do and survive? or do we want the best we can be...We have each been given this life, and we each have been given dreams , and we each have a unique story to share with others. Yes some of us have had it rough, sometimes the weight seems unbearable, but as my mother used to remind me when I was a girl,whenever you think you have it terrible, there is always someone who has difficulties far worse....What is holding us back??? How are our thoughts either holding us back or allowing us to grow...the Bible says as a man thinks in his heart ,so is he...do we think we will never succeed.or that we will not do or be or ?? We can release the pains the anger,the hurts. and learn to embrace the beauty and happiness in life that is richly and abundantly around us. Yes ,we need to recognize the pains and perhaps the buried emotions, but as Joni Erickson was encouraged, only have a 5 minute pity party and get to work and focus on moving ahead....where is our focus....
Just as Katie,Casper and Roo "helped" granny cut through the brambles and brush to open up a new trail around a monstrous fallen tree that had hindered our joyous walks...we can also take a "machete" to those emotions,those hindrances and release them as well so that a whole new path has light shining on it and we are able to once again enjoy the freedom of unhindered walking along the path before us...
For a few minutes find a quiet spot, focus on your body. How you are feeling physically,emotionally,spiritually, notice the thoughts you are having,,,,think of something unhappy, notice the changes in how you feel, stop and release that. then think of something that made you angry ...again notice and release, then move onto being hurt, etc..each time release that and then think on something that made you happy . notice the difference (a merry heart doeth good as a medicine)....smile... let yourself feel loved, by ..yes you......if that's too hard right now, do the best you can and know I love you. and more importantly God does..even if it may not seem like it...I love God very much and have since I gave my heart to Him at 9 years old, yet there have been times that there was absolutely no light in the tunnel of life. That is not because of the lack of love from God, it is due to the fact we are living in a fallen world... and we are under attack, from the time we draw our first breath until we draw our last one....much of the attack comes from little things we have let become a part of our internal belief system.....so as granny would say to those dust bunnies when spring and fall cleaning comes about....lets roust them out......ditto for our selves...lest roust out those "dust" "bunnies" ..doubts, fears(of failing or succeeding) of expectations we feel we need to live up ,to or lies we tell ourselves...whatever they are...take a look in the mirror and even if you cry ..tell yourself you are a beautiful person and smile ....and keep doing that...and little by little....remember it is the little things....you will start to grow again....................
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