Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Eggs that bomb

(funny video of muppets Swedish chef & chicken link below post)
Step #1 My artist friend wanted a photo of some of my hens for a painting she was creating
Step # 2 gathering eggs can be tricky business,
rooster let me have it the other day, he didn't like the way I hurried into the hen house
Step # 3 step on a nest of old eggs underneath some loose hay , while you reach up to a new
stack of hay flakes , the alpacas are hungry...CRUNCH....
Step #4 holler at the dogs to LEAVE IT, as they hustle in to see the stinky eggs
Step # 5 fill the swan feeder, oh joy they have some dud eggs, remove them,
Step # 6 bury all the duds, while shooing the dogs away
Step # 7 back to "work" locate the source of computer difficulties (unplugged cord)
Step #8 catch a training call, do some study, do some blogging just for fun,
what to write? Oh yes, my merryheart4u needs a post,
Step # 9 Share the good "stuff" about donuts in merryheart. we do have snow, so officially
it IS a donut day here at farm funnies (It's snowing : Time to make the donuts )
Step # 10 Of course stumble across a funny u-tube , while double check Ed's u-tube link
and of course I have to share that video here it fits this post :-), perhaps I should
say it inspired this post, YouTube - Swedish Chef: Making Eggs

Precious Treasure, stress relief

She is such a sweetheart,

She loves me to pick her up and give her a hug,

When I do she always warms my heart, do you have a heart warmer ?

I hope so, if not, find one somewhere.

Letting your heart be warmed ,will help you with stress.

So just for a minute let your heart hug someone dear, even if only in your memory.

Feel the warmth that hug gives, many blessings to you.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ANNIE, her name is ANNIE

Kate and Roos baby sister is now officially


aww she is so cute,

It's official :miracle noodles approved

ON TOP MY SPAGGETI,not covered with cheese

I PLACED MY YUMMY MEATBALL , my coach did ask ... PLEASE

OK for you noodle "huggers" out here,

If you are doing the 5&1 with our program

TaDa our nutritionist says YES you can occasionally use the miracle noodles for part of your lean and green, count it as your vegetable. (don't forget your tomato sauce, counts as part of your veggie)

Use only occasionally ,since it is zero carb,calories and zero nutrition.

I haven't tried them yet , here are some links for purchasing them,
Personally I would go to a local Asian market to see if they can be purchase there
and thus not have to pay shipping (ouch)..

Glute and casein free

for those of you not on 5 &1 you might want to try these out to save calories or points or ?

Enjoy, drop me an e-mail and let me know how you like them or if you come up with a great sauce you'd like to share ( hugs to all

watch for up coming post : Daughters spaghetti squash SECRETS