Monday, December 22, 2008

CATS RULE : basic survival skills down home on da farm, when snow abounds and the mice are scarce

My name is precious treasure, and that is just what I am
mom says so!

I went in the house for a minute, but those rowdy dogs were
not only hogging space in front of the fire, but they are just, well,
to much for me, where ever did they learn their manners, surely not from mom

My name is Smokey
I'm sure I am moms favorite, she really loves me a lot
I'm going mouse hunting to thank mom for that great breakfast, but
I can't find any mouse tracks anywhere
Good Morning Black Jewel,
- Did you know mom loves me best? I got to go in the house this morning, it is really cozy
there, we need a plan to get those dogs OUT and us IN...
hey wasn't breakfast great this morning ?
Hey Orange Sherbet Fire Chief Joe,

What's up ? did you hear a mouse ? we've been looking everywhere,
It's so quiet out here why nothing is stirring, not even a mouse.
AND we've lost our kitten mittens...meow,meow,meow............

My name is Roo-die, mom calls me her brave hero "little" ROO,
well I did rescue one of her grandsons , and I was little once.
I saved the kid from drowning
when he accidentally fell into water. The water can get deep around here,
especially when this stuff melts.....and back then little kids could move faster
than mom then, boy not now, look at her go, us dogs can hardly keep up with her
sometimes she wears me out now, but I must admit it is fun going on walks and to
the beach with her now.

HEY .............Katie ............where are you ?
Where are those pesky CATS, the mousehunter "wanna" be's
yeah right, they chow down on moms yummy breakfasts, snuggle down in a warm
stack of hay and just lie around all the time....They think they are so GREAT...
Here kitty kitty, ummm hey guys.......hey anybody.............
What gives? I'm all alone outside in the cold, where did everyone go?

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