Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Black Swans... Crash Pool Party

(my apologies for the format of this post, I have edited and edited it, and it simply will not format properly for me.
I hear barking, POOL PARTY

Oh no Kate is sad... YIKES...the doggie pool has been invaded... black swan "babies" take over...
Mom to the rescue
Mush you "huskies" back to your own home.

Oh , "we're" taking the scenic route? Yes the "woolie" gals are so adorable...

Yes, it's fun to play with the kitties.

come on now, babies, let's move it.it...on towards your home...
Show me how you escaped..
No, I don't believe Angelina taught you how to jump,

I'm not buying it..So forget that idea...
Interesting, and just how did you get through those little squares?

Oh, I see you flatten like pancakes, climb like a monkey, and squish like bread dough,
and for your grand finale : Flop like giant feathered fish landed onto a bank , waddle like crazy ,AWAY from the fence and pretend you have no clue...I get it... the famous IT WASN'T ME "line"....hmm, just what I need...MORE of "you....oh well, very impressive, now lets see if you can stay in "THERE" as well. Kate, Roo and Casper, you deserve a run, me too...Let's BOOGIE....

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