Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Man, what a manwich...Man eats dog - food

Chang, ah, a dogs life !

Farm funny's hubby tell this story about a little nasty tempered Pekingese dog that belonged to his Aunt Martha.

Aunt Martha, treasured this little dog, (no one else did) and kept his unused special dog food in the refrigerator after she opened it.

One time the label was missing , just waiting in the fridge for some unsuspecting person.

Yes ,you guessed it, Uncle John had his tooth set for a nice deviled ham sandwich. Yum

When Aunt Martha came home , later that day. Uncle John, who had really enjoyed his sandwich, asked her what was the brand of deviled meat she had bought.

What meat,

The meat in the fridge,

There wasn't any meat in the fridge,

Yes, there was, there was an opened can down on the shelf.

NO... you didn't

I didn't what?

You ate Chang's dog food.

Lots of gagging and frothing at the mouth ensued,

Never fear, little Chang still got his dinner...

Uncle John, well I doubt he ever recovered..

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