Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Affirmations...because you are something special.

Time to GET UP
Out of bed, off the couch or sawdust pile :-)

Remember to  start your day with a song , enthusiasm and a smile.

If every one did wouldn't everyone's  day go better?

With  a song  in your heart and  an enthusiastic attitude, your dreams could take wings . 

There is no telling what could happen.

#1 Believe in yourself, You were given unique talents,gifts,dreams..

#2 Let them go, surrender them up,asking ..why,how,where,when,what

#3 Trust,  with  a seeking heart

#4 Create,make a plan,gain clarity with goals & deadlines

#5 Action, take steps the answers /solutions/innovative ideas

#6  Accountability, do what you plan/say

#7 Follow up, adjust,step out of your comfort zone

#8  Expect a miracle

#9 Accept , help from someone

#10 Reward, occasionally do something fun as you work towards your goal

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