Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's "official" tomorrow Aug 1st is WILD DAY ,

Yes tomorrow  early dawn Aug 1st  is WILD DAY.

Did you know that?  It is actually our 3rd  annual WILD DAY
our oldest granchild created this new holiday ,so it is "official" !

WILD DAY has certain "qualifications, by the way :-) and ones this
grandma has fun complying with.

The 1st two WILD DAYS we had a wild time here at farm funnies
then had a "convoy" to Safari Sam's.

Both years we  all managed to  piled into our SUV.  We travelled through the city traffic jungle for a  "wild" safari trip  to Safari Sam's
all enjoyed a rather  WILD game of minature golf in the dark blacklighted  "jungle".

This year, due some time constraints and other travel logistics, we will remain  at farm funnies , akka Chocolate Birdsong Alpaca's to some of you.

I am trying to figure out where my giant black box spider can "reweave" her trecherous web.
Sadly one of the trees her gigantic web was attatched to was "sick" and had to come down.

read more about our giant blax box spider in  my Wednesday, July 23, 2008 post :

Giant spider, a gigantic black box one.

This year wild animal croquette "tournament" with prizes.
A scavanger hunt, around the farm and in the woods.

What will we eat? 

Spider dogs,

Buffalo burgers from a neighbor who raises buffalo (if his farm store is open today)

Grilled corn,  wildly skewered veggies

Homemade lemonade, sweetened with honey from our "tame" bees
(we do have   a wild bee hive, sorry but this fam funnies mom is leaving their honey ALONE!
they are too wild for me). 

Potato salad and baked beans.

REAL Icecream cones (not the "plastic" icream stuff in the stores)

Homemade cheese cake with wild blackberry topping picked on our farm.

Perhaps some ladybug cookies and gummy  "worms" 

since I can't find my  own gummy worm recipe, I will share the link for one I am going to try

 YUM sounds pretty wild to me,

Monday, July 26, 2010

How to solve inner Conflicts

High & Dry
At farm funnies  , the words being stuck  often  take on a life of their own.

You can be stuck in mud  or snow , REALLY !

"Glued" to a project...

In a "jam" or in a pickle perdicament.

"Up a creek", w/o a paddle (BOTH WAYS)

"Tarred" & feathered (well, plucking a goose does coat you with  lots of downy feathers, minus the tar)

But enough of my silliness.

I thought I would share a bit of help  I found in my e-mail box.
Help from the  problem  master  himself, Tony Robbins.

Are you "stuck" in your MLM? Great tips from Buzzy Boxer

It's been a while since I gave you some biz tips.

So  when I saw Buzzy Boxer, of course I thought of all of you with your home businesses.

I just knew Buzzy  could help someone :-)

I met Todd a year ago , at a SOC super Saturday, I was impressed then .
I had no idea he could be so funny too!

Todd  may be tough, but you gotta love  his Buzzy Boxer "impersonation"

Without further adieu , here  are a few "tips" from Buzzy...

hugs for a great day...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wasn't it only yesterday? Time is a gift,it doesn't stand still

Time doesn't stand still..

Little Roo is gone, we lost him earlier this year.

Roo spent an adventerous packed  7 yrs with us.

Roo was a true life hero, he rescued our oldest grandchild
who fell into water over their head. 

Roo  gallantly went into the cold, deep water and pulled  them out. 

Roo sometimes you pushed my buttons.
You defineatly had a mind of your own.

I always and forever am so  grateful you were the dog chosen
to help us on our farm. 

Roo, you were not only a blessing, but sometimes I wondered if you were an angel in disguise.
The things you stretched me on were uncanny.

Watching an insiprational vido this morning, I thought of how quickly time has passed:
I thought Roo's baby picture epitomised how quickly time has passed in our lives.

Wasn't it only yesterday I was excited & terrified as a new bride,
later  terrified when hubby was in the  ICU with paracaditis ?

Wasn't it only yesterday I was crying myself to sleep when I wasn't conceiving?

Wasn't it only yesterday I was estactic to discover YES I was pregnant with our 1st ?

Wasn't it only yesterday I felt the first flutter of movement, then a kick, then held our baby in my arms?

Wasn't it only yesterday I gave birth to our 2nd  child ,relieved that I could have the same abundant
 love for another baby, something that haunted me my whole pregnancy .

Wasn't it only yesterday I gave birth to our 3rd, winning the battle over death BECAUSE I had a         
 newborn, two toddlers and a hard working hubby to live for?

Wasn't it only yesterday  each child went off to  kindergarten, graduated ,married, moved away?

Wasn't only yesterday our 1st, 2nd , 3rd  and 4th grandchild were born ?

Watch the video  below , asking yourself:

What in life matters the most to you, where have you lost time ?

What changes will you make TODAY, so you don't waste  more precious time.

Make a commitment to yourself..for  you, for those you care about.
Remember we each impact those around us..

YOU were created for something unique and special, don't waste time or YOU.

Grab a box of kleenx, and  be ready to bawl your eyes out ,
THEN reflect and put into action what you need to do.

Myself or  one my coaching teammates would be happy to assist you, or point you in the direction you need. ( your 1st 1/2 hr is free)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Affirmations...because you are something special.

Time to GET UP
Out of bed, off the couch or sawdust pile :-)

Remember to  start your day with a song , enthusiasm and a smile.

If every one did wouldn't everyone's  day go better?

With  a song  in your heart and  an enthusiastic attitude, your dreams could take wings . 

There is no telling what could happen.

#1 Believe in yourself, You were given unique talents,gifts,dreams..

#2 Let them go, surrender them up,asking ..why,how,where,when,what

#3 Trust,  with  a seeking heart

#4 Create,make a plan,gain clarity with goals & deadlines

#5 Action, take steps the answers /solutions/innovative ideas

#6  Accountability, do what you plan/say

#7 Follow up, adjust,step out of your comfort zone

#8  Expect a miracle

#9 Accept , help from someone

#10 Reward, occasionally do something fun as you work towards your goal