Did you know that? It is actually our 3rd annual WILD DAY
our oldest granchild created this new holiday ,so it is "official" !
WILD DAY has certain "qualifications, by the way :-) and ones this
grandma has fun complying with.
The 1st two WILD DAYS we had a wild time here at farm funnies
then had a "convoy" to Safari Sam's.
Both years we all managed to piled into our SUV. We travelled through the city traffic jungle for a "wild" safari trip to Safari Sam's
all enjoyed a rather WILD game of minature golf in the dark blacklighted "jungle".
This year, due some time constraints and other travel logistics, we will remain at farm funnies , akka Chocolate Birdsong Alpaca's to some of you.
I am trying to figure out where my giant black box spider can "reweave" her trecherous web.
Sadly one of the trees her gigantic web was attatched to was "sick" and had to come down.
read more about our giant blax box spider in my Wednesday, July 23, 2008 post :
Giant spider, a gigantic black box one.
This year wild animal croquette "tournament" with prizes.
A scavanger hunt, around the farm and in the woods.
Spider dogs,
Buffalo burgers from a neighbor who raises buffalo (if his farm store is open today)
Grilled corn, wildly skewered veggies
Homemade lemonade, sweetened with honey from our "tame" bees
(we do have a wild bee hive, sorry but this fam funnies mom is leaving their honey ALONE!
they are too wild for me).
Potato salad and baked beans.
REAL Icecream cones (not the "plastic" icream stuff in the stores)
Homemade cheese cake with wild blackberry topping picked on our farm.
Perhaps some ladybug cookies and gummy "worms"
YUM sounds pretty wild to me,