Monday, January 18, 2010

farm funnies food "secrets" akka.."secret" supermarket codes

It's obvious that this goodie laden tray contains pure unadulterated CANDY...
(alias SUGAR and no doubt lots of high fructose corn syrup "ta boot" in them "thar" sweets)


Things are not always as they appear on the surface or at first glance...(are they?)
ummm can you smell the warm pumpkin and blueberry muffins?

Did you even see them? Now I confess these muffins may have some health advantages over the out and out candy treats, but these muffins were made with a convience mix( I cheated)

The best muffins  are when you make them from "scratch" using  whole grain and healthy sweetners.
( I am currently researching a new  sugar replacement  called whey low (  (using whey..the liquid left when you make cheese).
Hmm, I need to buy a product I recently discovered. it's  called squeeky cheese .  I need some for my grown kids..I often made homemade cheese while they were still at home.  Even at it's best  my cheddar cheese was squeeky and when they thought they could get away with it they liked to bounce it.
Had I realized it I could have had a corner on the new  fun squeeky cheese for your kids, gold mine.I could have been famous and wealthy with my cheese. If our kids would have been more supportive why just think of the possibilities..they really did eat my cheese ,but only after tormenting me with their squeeks and bouncing contests held on the kitchen table..then again I am learning from Ann Seig,Mike Klingler and others at our marketingmerge group, problems are good, they can lead you into something cheese making was golden, had I thought positive.. someone else did..waaa...a note to the wise...look at your problems from another may have something just waiting for "fame and fortune" at its worst we enjoyed very stretchy melted cheese sandwiches.(well... honestly at it's worst my cheese didn't melt, sigh)
Back to natural sweetners
Our bees say save a more HONEY.
Just  how many chances do you get  nowdays to be a  real hero and save an entire kingdom?
Here is your golden opportunity :-)

It always pays to look beyond the surface, the old adage never judge a book by it's cover...
We  know this is true in most areas of life...correct?

OK this year you are going to eat,cook ,choose...BE healthier...and for that matter ,so IS your family...(especially if you are the chief cook and bottle washer, right ?...go " go)

PROBLEM: Even we are doing "it" right,or at bare minimum "better"  
 incorporating more fruits and veggies into you and your families menu...did you know..

DANGER could be lurking in yhour shopping cart...

Into your basket  goes a nice healthy apple(well ,hopefully you placed it in  a bag or something,not the "bare" basket( I've seen it happen folks) umm  did you ever think about how many germs are simply in /on that shopping cart?  
One of our children bagged groceries when in high school. You would hardly believe the shopping cart "horror" stories ....bleahhhh... 20( or is that 30?) years later I can still get chills down my spine...

Think toddler,think not well potty trained ,think minus diaper,think sitting inside "your" shopping cart basket not on the childs seat...
think again...kid needs to go now... mommie...
Think not too attentive or even "with it  or "there" mom type.
Then  please think and send up some pity/strength  prayers  for the poor baggers who serve you,  no doubt you hardly think of them past perhaps a thank you.. they get  to mop the floor (again)..
The basket? who knows., if you're lucky perhaps it was left outside and got rained on...your salad greens may be resting in it now...

Oh, did I rabbit trail? 
Well ,this is farm funnies after all..
OK ..OK...back to the  secret store codes..

Into your  hopefully, fairly clean cart goes that  good for you healthy looking apple, even mother nature is happy with the appearance of your apple...

Have you done your homework? Or like me miss this  shopping "assignment" 101
DID you  even know to LOOK for  the "secret" code on that apple's  little sticker?

I Thought not, I generally don't pay them much mind either. so I guess I am "guilty" too...

You don't need a  secret decoder ring to decipher this, just remember a couple of numbers...
hey if you have senior moments, or have a multi task mind (most of us do,right? )
then write these numbers on the top of your grocery shopping list.(the back of your hand works too)

The secret "code" any four numbers on your produce means it was grown conventionally,
when that little sticker has five numbers then it was grown one of two ways:

If your healthy yummy /produce begins with the number 8 ummm it was genetically altered

....awwwk ,as for me and mine...we don't "mess" with mother nature, there would be outright mutiny down here on da farm :-)
 If your produce starts with 9, well it would give me and a few of "mine" peace of mind, organic is its "secret" meaning.

Perhaps you would like to try raising your own HEALTHY food...
even if you live in the city home grown fruits and veggies are very doable... there are food co-ops,exchanges,shares,,farmer delivery "baskets" ,farmer markets etc.

Don't know how to put up or put by? Hey just a little "digging" pardon the pun :-) in
your library,dept of agriculture( ask your extension agent) even community collages offer gardening classes.  Even the web has tons of info/  An older neighbor can often offer help there are food  hotlines etc...
rows of jams,jellys,home canned fresshly canned setting on your kitchen table is not only food for your families tummies it is a feast for your eyes...

2010....what do you want for your body? (
I'll "bet" you choose for it to be at the peak of perfection...

as for you and family,you want the very BEST...
I thought so, and hey your body(ies) will thank you NOW and in the years to come...

Remember February is heart health month..plan now for some healthy February meals..
why not skip most of the Valentine candy, learn to savor  a bit of good quality dark chocolate as you plan your garden instead...

Me? planning my garden,ordering mason bee straws, waiting for spring flowers to show their little heads, enjoying my cup of hot chocolate(healthy coronary that is,yum)
(sorry,still can't find that spell checker in this new blogspot posting tool...)

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