Am I "wacky or what?..well this blog is dubbed farm funnies so-o-o
Is your life BORING? If it is then ....
Do what I do...think of new "stuff"...if nothing else it will keep your spouse in some state of
OH NO... Lions & tigers and bears ,OH MY...here we go again...
With out further adieu here is who ,what ,where , how my foray into mystery shopping and on line surveys came about, I got "crazy" in writing a letter to someone and my letter seemed like a great explanation AND rather ,well interesting, I thought...
....my letter...
...well , I guess my lunch break is long over. Ha, I did a dumb thing ,I think..
I decided to do on line surveys(duh..for "fun" and a wee bit of pocket change, figuring it was a no brainer ?
Yep I was right, it was a time wasting no brainer..I just spent over 1 1/2 hrs filling out a survey for a "free" gift card.
I finally got disgusted with the endless questions and "stuff" to "do" for the "free" gift, that
I happily back tracked , clicked delete and junked it all
(except for some books I ordered to "join a club , one of the choices to be eligible for my "free" gift card.
Actually the books I chose were a good deal, one book was one that had gone out of print many moons ago, I have looked for a replacement for years .
My loved and worn out copy ,needed a rest.
I ordered some extras as part of this "free" offer (not really,since postage was rather hefty,me thinketh). Now I have some gifts.
I did earn some pocket change with my survey answers, if I can figure out how to get it.
As Pooh would say...Oh Bother, what was I thinking?
Now I am getting a slew of e-mails pertaining to prizes,etc that I am not interested in.
So let the "buyer" (surbey taker)beware/
What may seem like fun at first can easily grow and become like topsy
( does this date me? I hope not as I barely remember who she was).
Surveys? duh , whatever was I thinking?
Uh oh, guess what one of my "newest" wacky ideas is for a bit of fun??
OH NO, it is to be... drum roll please...a ...mystery shopper ..
I mean after all, I may as well make the most of my town trips right?
Supposedly the mystery shopper "job" pays well. REALLY, as I do know someone who did this and did well at it, so who knows?
Just think of the intrigue and umm MYSTERY.
I know you are thinking that I may regret this adventure too, and wondering if I really "need" to add something else in my life.
Apparently so, or perhaps this is my brains way of creating a way to avoid the sink full of dishes waiting for HELP...
Yes, I know I have enough "irons in the "fire" but you know me.
I am always up to something, and this seems rather simple,fun and unique...
umm, I agree, the real "fire" may well be me being "fired" from my housekeeping "job" as the dishes do loudly protest....
Reality check ,I would have fired my "help" LONG ago.
See I did remember something from a leaders "club" lesson,after all .
As an entrepreneur you are the CEO ...so if you are getting "lousy" results.. fire the "help"
(even and especially if it is yourself) and hey at super sat we are encouraged to do reality checks,look how well i am doing :-)
It is a good thing .at farm funnies that hubby is more tolerant of the "help" than me..sigh.
I want to be riding my horse on a balmy beach RIGHT now, with the sound of the surf,the waves rhythmically splashing as we ride along the shore, the cry of an occasional gull ..
THEN my handsome WINGED prince(that is him, in the above photo, umm minus his "wings") would fly us back to our CLEAN home :-) and it would stay that way,at least a tad longer than it does all by itself.
If wishes were fishes ,why guess what ?
You could come join us for a meal of endless fish fry ...
Moral...HAVE TONS OF FUN...whatever you do :-)
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