Why do we say the things we say , and do the things we do ?
This morning I woke up thinking, thankfully at least I was talking one on one
with God, even if asking for help AGAIN,
while wondering why I do the things I do... AGAIN...
I had fallen asleep on a back and neck stretcher. It was super cold last night ,
so I awoke kind of frozen into my "mold". To top it off I had eaten something I didn't really care about, which had I ...REMEMBERED...(again), late at night never settles well. ( like duh, how many times will it take?)
Please God , I could use a little help here.
Then I thought of the Corrie ten Boom movie we had recently watched and all of the suffering she had gone through, as had her sister,who died, before she was released from prison.
Then my farm funnies ruminating spirit kicked in, why do we call "it "death?
I started thinking of the baby critters born here on the farm. I shifted in to high gear thinking of when I was in the womb. While I ,of course, couldn't remember that time, I was alive.
When I was born I can't say I remember that experience either, but I was alive.
That's when I thought of the baby chicks. On a farm it is unfortunate, but there are times
when a hen , falls in "love" with a very cocky proud handsome, more than ...suitor... ( thus fertile eggs), and somehow manages to get at least one of her eggs through the egg "detector" ( my gathering),UNTIL it is halfway on it's way to becoming a cute little fluffy.
Uggh, I can still remember the first time, after moving to the country, when I cracked an egg into the skillet and it wasn't an egg any more. Very alive, but sadly not for long.
You could say the chick was born premature, Of course without the proper incubation it couldn't stay alive.
Main thought , it was alive.
So when we "die" I reasonably thought ,we actually start living.
The egg, the womb: both are rather confining.
I think someday we will look back and see ,that in reality ,our life on earth was rather confining.
I think , then, we will remember our pre BIRTH life though.
There is one major thing to consider: premature birth.
To be born into what I consider real life, personally I want the protection offered in John 3:16
I not only believe in that verse, I live that verse .
What , I believe, is not often caught in our modern day vernacular , is it takes more than head knowledge for most beliefs, whatever one belives in.
Most often it requires action, putting the rubber to the road.
You can believe the world is flat, but when you sail around it, you know it can't be.
My sail has been filled with life's winds , I've been to the so called edge of our world a couple of times and so I'm ready for birth after death.
How about you?
Well since this is farm funnies, here is a funny "yolk"
then why not get "down" and shake it ...a'la fluffy?
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