Sunday, March 29, 2009

baby piglet Kingsford "ham" it up....

here is a darling little piglet video clip....
watch little Kingsford "ham" it up

Meet Kingsford, the little pig that could The Dish Rag Los ...

Living in the country when I was an 8th grader(we'd lived in towns and cities until then) ,looking out my upstairs bedroom window, I saw a little red Duroc wiener pig running down our road...miles from the nearest other home.

No one we knew even remotely close to us, had any pigs.
I ran out and caught her and nursed her back to health ( till little miss Suzie Q's limp tail was curling once again :-) , did you know a pigs tail is a "barometer" of how well a pig is feeling? )

I don't remember how we put out the "word' , but kid like, I was getting used to the idea of my own pet piglet and fell in love with the little pill . I was hoping no one would claim her (of course). Then what every kid animal rescuer fears- some how, some one a good 10 miles away.... claimed her? ( my folks not wanting a "pet"pig didn't do much to check out the so called 'ownership", they gladly relinquished her.

After a week of having my own pig, I sadly had to watch her go . (did the guy even offer a thanks for my saving her and nursing her back to health, with much love I may add? NOPE...

There has always been a little piglet "hole" in my heart for little Suzie Q, whom I'm sure became bacon for the so claimed "owner."

I'd love to have a little pet pig, but hubby has a real aversion to sheep and pigs...sigh....
actually he is so good to put up with this critter lovin' mama , that I am grateful for what he does contend ,put up and even occasionally help with.

Do you suppose he would "notice" such a tiny Australian feral piglet, like little Kingsford?
Kingsford does have a rather big squeal, doubt I could disguise that...

Oh ,I did have some guinea pigs here on the farm, (they squeal)but they are a far cry from real piglets... one of our dogs, even classified them as rodents , so "helping me out" when I was gone one day , just doing his "duty" to keep our farm "safe" he ummm......ugh not pretty.... I was grateful I was the one who found them and not grandkids....

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