Step #1 My artist friend wanted a photo of some of my hens for a painting she was creating
Step # 2 gathering eggs can be tricky business,
rooster let me have it the other day, he didn't like the way I hurried into the hen house
Step # 3 step on a nest of old eggs underneath some loose hay , while you reach up to a new
stack of hay flakes , the alpacas are hungry...CRUNCH....
Step #4 holler at the dogs to LEAVE IT, as they hustle in to see the stinky eggs
Step # 5 fill the swan feeder, oh joy they have some dud eggs, remove them,
Step # 6 bury all the duds, while shooing the dogs away
Step # 7 back to "work" locate the source of computer difficulties (unplugged cord)
Step #8 catch a training call, do some study, do some blogging just for fun,
what to write? Oh yes, my merryheart4u needs a post,
Step # 9 Share the good "stuff" about donuts in merryheart. we do have snow, so officially
it IS a donut day here at farm funnies (It's snowing : Time to make the donuts )
Step # 10 Of course stumble across a funny u-tube , while double check Ed's u-tube link
and of course I have to share that video here it fits this post :-), perhaps I should
say it inspired this post, YouTube - Swedish Chef: Making Eggs
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