Opening my e-mails is like Christmas morning every day for me.
I know, I know some of you may feel inundated about too many etc. and perhaps when "snowballed" it may seem rightly so. At those times I "could" be tempted to agree..
But really Me? Not on your life...
you just never know what's , "under" the "wrapper" and inside the "package'
If it is "junk" or bad taste, why one click and TaDa...out it goes...
Seems simple enough to me, after all most people love lots of presents under the tree right? actually I did hear a complaint a number of years ago about such, but that's another story.
If the gift is not "right" most think nothing of exchanging it. ( me I have a hard time doing that) . Some even view it as an exciting challenge to find a bargain in exchange...
Below is the link to the e-mail (delightful "gift") I received. The video melted my heart.
Here at farm funnies, us critter lovers appreciate REAL love,
the kind that is ALWAYS there, just waiting to reach out and give .
No matter what the circumstances:
In pain,wounded,bad hair day,late breakfast (forgot breakfast) stack of dishes, a few cobwebs,
overwhelmed, sad,depressed, the list could go on , here at farm funnies love is given and received. The focus is not about ME, it is about YOU, I love and care for YOU, I will sacrifice,be there waiting w/o complaints 24/7 for YOU. (Even if I didn't get much sleep, am sick and you just threw up all over me (yep it has when Hershey gave me the black eye, I did ponder eating him...Not really!) Just one look into any pair of eyes here on the farm and you would understand.
In my merry heart blog I would refer you to my post entitled What is Love????
Here is the clip that left me with a melted heart and crying.
WHY ? Because I LOVE to see true LOVE.. AWWWW am I a romantic or what?
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