Yes, Katie and Roo have a baby sister,
She looked at me with please RESCUE me eyes, she PROMISED she would be a good dog for us
and help us here on our farm ,despite some of my reservations concerning things I'd grown up hearing about her chow side.
We still haven't settled on a name for her, and as soon as I can locate my camera cord, Ill add
one of her baby pictures. She weighed 11 1/2 lbs at 7 weeks, the day we brought her home.
I wanted to get this post going because it could mean a lot of help for those in need. It started with dogs.
I just received an e-mail from one of my clients and now good friends. Both her and her husband
love kids,critters and country. No wonder we resonated :-) Hugs, Carole
My friends and clients often send me e-mail forwards of things they enjoy.
Some are challenging, some are so very funny I almost fall out of my chair laughing, some are beautiful and some like this last one call attention to a need , as well as a call to action.
It costs me nothing except a few seconds of my time, it gives so much to those in need.
Those right here on our home soil, Four footed and two footed.
Yes ,hunger and pain exist in America.
I checked both of the pleas for help , via snopes . They are legit. Just clicking on an opt in button gives money to the organizations. Here is your call to action, go to the link below and click., copy and past the link in a letter to yourself, bookmark it or ? Hey just come here everyday , grab you coffee, pull up a chair and sit a spell, see what's new on the farm and then click every day.
I chose animal rescue...well duh... that was a no brainer for me...since it is VERY apparent I
DO love animals ... all kinds :-) here is the link
Since I also am passionate about kids, as I am for our critters,
about our great U.S.A. our one nation under God,
I also chose to add a link to hunger in America.
Both sites have a place to click to donate, it's just that simple.
You click, sponsors pay the organizations.
It is similar to what is called PPC..(later)
You will notice various "stores" are "displayed" at both sights.
If you are not familiar with this, these are advertisers.
They are hoping you will see something they have and make a purchase.
I sometimes purchase items,I see on line.
One of my craziest purchases, which ended up a fiasco, was BUGS...
That's right BUGS...and they arrived during a snow and ice storm .
I assumed from the way they looked like little corpses ., they were quite dead.
To me they looked very dead.
Mike at Premium Crickets told me I shouldn't have fridged them
they were kind of hibernating. Awww, poor things, ,but was that fate worse than sliding down into a dragons tummy while you were still kicking I wondered.
In the fridge? Well, I thought if I had to return them . I didn't want stinky ones, waiting for the snow to stop piling up. They were sealed really good, honest.
Mike bless his heart, who didn't, still doesn't know me, replaced my entire order at no cost.
I just sent him a thank you.
I do not plan to order any more bugs , due to what I sense must be a rather extended journey for the little bugs, despite my 2nd day airfreight purchase.
Yes ,I agree, I am shaking my head at this too.
Now what on earth would I be doing with crickets, I'll bet you are wondering.
Think grandma, think grandsons, think Christmas , think critter loving grandsons, think reptiles . think what else but BEARDED Dragons.
Dragons THINK crickets, (a lot) .
When I learned that dragons ate crickets ,I thought ok , what's a few little bugs, I could do that for the kiddo's , especially short term. Grandma's do such things, especially farm grandma's.
A month after Christmas ,the grandsons still are not so sure about the dragons ,who can move really fast, and live anythings always go with a farm, right?
Grandma is really not sure about the little bugs who REALLY can move a whole lot faster
than fast dragons.
Hmmm somehow they do manage to get eaten though ,now that I think of it.
Grandma really didn't like the avoidance of the pet store : not telling her how many bugs those growing beardies could devour in one sitting.
The pet store really liked the ca-ching sound every few days for grandma buying their live crickets.
In my quest for new things, I learn many things along the way .
PPC is one of those things, hang on I'll explain a tad later, I told ya :-), so-o-o hold u'r horses
Beardies have a passion,eating crickets. Growing juvenile beardies have a voracious passion. Eat even more crickets. In fact eat as many of those little bugs as your rapidly growing tummy can
hold,as fast as you can.
Cost means nothing to beardies.
They have a : blast
(well I try never to use swear words)
the torpedoes and full speed ahead motto concerning crickets.
This passionate devouring of jumpy bugs , is why I looked up and decided on premium crickets ,
you can get a lot more bugs for a buck than down at the local pet store.
NOW: PPC : With my passion to learn new things , one thing I have recently learned is, about something called PPC (pay per click , advertizing).
Let me tell you at 10 cents a pop, for those jumpy little rascals (crickets), what is called PPC , could learn a whole lot, from them, they have it down to a science..YIKES...
I'm glad I was able to make chopped chicken & beef converts out of our dragon, when we were all house bound, while a box of frozen crickets sat waiting in our fridge,to be returned .
There simply wasn't any way to go to town for live ones due to the snow.. Hunger prevailed.
I just coated the chopped meat with vit/min dust , using a shake and bake method , dropped it in front of the very hungry him/her ?? so it kind of appeared to move, and WE were good to go
Thank heavens ,no more hopping any,things in this house :-)... sorry Mike.
Now where did that dragon go (just kidding, he/she is actually asleep right now, as I should be .
The puppy is running amuck harrassing Kate , Roo won't put up with her nonsense. So I'd best tuck her in her crate for the night.
Get up ...bend over touch your toes, do a shaggy dog shake and as Annie (movie) would often say ...Leapin' Lizards..
remember to CLICK on the help feed a dog and kid links a-a-n-d-d-d
Don't let things BUG ya !!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Stressed? Take time to see what you miss ....
Now had I had a telephoto lens on my camera , you would be able to view what I could.
Look a little deeper at this photo. In the background there is a fir tree, with a dark tip,
what you cannot see is the Bald Eagle who was watching for a duck dinner, as I was doing some critter care and yard care..
So much of life goes on around us , if we are not careful we can often miss the richness that is ours for the taking...
As a health and business coach, I love to help others see what is available to them.
I encourage you to take deep breath and to really look at what we already have been blessed with, take a minute to view this link, take a deep breath and let your mind really enjoy the beauty we have been blessed with. The interview
One study shows the benefits of observing nature, while walking on a wooded path such as in a park as opposed to walking on concrete without a view. There are health benefits in even looking out a window to let your mind focus on trees,or some nature scene ( with imagination one of those nature murals or even a good painting could also be beneficial in helping to de-stress a person). Now enjoy the rest of your day, refreshed.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
overwhelming love,commitment,dedication
What is real LOVE ?

Opening my e-mails is like Christmas morning every day for me.
I know, I know some of you may feel inundated about too many etc. and perhaps when "snowballed" it may seem rightly so. At those times I "could" be tempted to agree..
But really Me? Not on your life...
you just never know what's , "under" the "wrapper" and inside the "package'
If it is "junk" or bad taste, why one click and TaDa...out it goes...
Seems simple enough to me, after all most people love lots of presents under the tree right? actually I did hear a complaint a number of years ago about such, but that's another story.
If the gift is not "right" most think nothing of exchanging it. ( me I have a hard time doing that) . Some even view it as an exciting challenge to find a bargain in exchange...
Below is the link to the e-mail (delightful "gift") I received. The video melted my heart.
Here at farm funnies, us critter lovers appreciate REAL love,
the kind that is ALWAYS there, just waiting to reach out and give .
No matter what the circumstances:
In pain,wounded,bad hair day,late breakfast (forgot breakfast) stack of dishes, a few cobwebs,
overwhelmed, sad,depressed, the list could go on , here at farm funnies love is given and received. The focus is not about ME, it is about YOU, I love and care for YOU, I will sacrifice,be there waiting w/o complaints 24/7 for YOU. (Even if I didn't get much sleep, am sick and you just threw up all over me (yep it has when Hershey gave me the black eye, I did ponder eating him...Not really!) Just one look into any pair of eyes here on the farm and you would understand.
In my merry heart blog I would refer you to my post entitled What is Love????
Here is the clip that left me with a melted heart and crying.
WHY ? Because I LOVE to see true LOVE.. AWWWW am I a romantic or what?
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