Saturday, November 15, 2008

recipes for the proper care and feeding of your husband


Good old fashioned ,dark, rich, spicy, pumpkin pie recipie follows,
one our Pilgrims and Indians would be proud of.

Here at farm funnies you just never know what to expect do you ?

That's OK, sometimes neither do I ! :-)

Well this post is not about my hubby being a real turkey, but sometimes perhaps I am.
I was remind of this just a few minutes ago when I was looking up something for a friend.
Of all things ,I was trying to locate an MD Women's Dr. whom I can't remember her name just now, and I thought maybe it was Dr Laura. Googling, what did I get ? DR. Laura of course.
The one I like hearing on a radio talk show.
What do you know ,here was her book , the one I've thought about purchasing,
and I could read it online.
Ugh! while I agree wholeheartedly, I was reminded of how far I am from doing what I want for my husband. The proverbs 31 woman, the doe eyed, honey I adore you helper. Hmm did I need reminding , I've become busy looking past the mote in my own eyes, while I am "helping" with the speck in his eye, oh well, I guess I am a real turkey .....SQUAWK !

I love listening to Dr. Laura, and wow this book is full of wonderful "recipes"

Since I've promised you some Harvest recipes, I thought hey, why not just give you a link to

a book for some real "treats" and down home "cooking". I mean if you read and apply

these "recipes" you may have some really great reactions in your home too! Check it out.

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands - Google Books Result

Ok , so this is a pun of sorts. I really did want to share the book information, but
I just couldn't resist doing it in a fun way , so here is a link for some great food recipes too.

AND I will also include a great recipe for Thanksgiving.

It is for what else PUMPKIN PIE yum, this is one of our favorites.
We like dark rich spicy ones, not the bland ones. You are in for a treat if you bake these.

This is for two pies.

The day before, milk your favorite Jersey milk cow, strain her milk into a clean jar
set it in the fridge, let it set overnight...
THEN in a large bowl place
3 eggs (slightly beaten with a fork) , 2 cups of pumpkin
1 cup of dark brown sugar, 1/2 tsp salt , 1 1/4 tsp of cinnamon
3/4 tsp of ginger, 1/4 tsp each of cloves and nutmeg, 1 tsp of vanilla
1 1/3 cup of evaporated milk, 1/2 cup of molasses ( I use unsulphered)
pour into 2 unbaked pie shells.
place in 425 o oven bake 10 min and turn down to 350o 40 to 45 min
(until a knife inserted comes out clean, not sticky)
cool and refrigerate. ( or you can add 2 1/2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice, instead of the spices)

Now the best part, beat the cold cream into a luxurious whipped cream
( be careful or you'll have butter for those yummy hot rolls, which is OK, but be sure you have more cream on hand) quickly add sugar to taste and 1/2 - 1 tsp of vanilla

Let me know how many converts you get :-)

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