Thursday, October 23, 2008

blogger grief

As pooh would say...OH BOTHER !!

I only wanted to add a link to a funny u-tube this morning,

Did my blog spot "remember me?"

DO I really know who I am ?

How old is my great great Grandmother ?

How many teeth did she have when she died?

Well after about an hour I am "in" MY blog,

Is it mine, am I here, am I awake even?

here is the simple funny link,

which I thought was appropriate to start my day with

umm guess who had an impromptu dentist appointment early this a.m.

here I was at farm funnies minding my own business , doing bare bones chores

and wrapping up in my blankie trying to locate Gilligan isle reruns, yep I WUZ sick ALL week

and THEY called me, umm oh you haven't been in for a while, and "we" just happen to have a "spot" just for you...

Since I was a tad better, I thought OK you can do this...and my alarm clock was set for

5:30 am...really, and guess what?

My battery died just after i set it and turned out the light REALLY !!

8:30 I woke up, REALLY (that's late for me, yep really)

and you'll never guess, they could "fit" me in at 2:00 this afternoon...

so here is the link

(Mark Lowry comedy)
have a great day, and OH Bother, my mouth feels sore already and it's only 9:30 am

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