Saturday, October 25, 2008

gotta dance, underwater dance of love

I loved this picture, where I "captured" a pair of seals "dancing" under water.

I also loved this video clip of two types of dance, from John Tesh's Alive music and dance concert. I also love to listen to John Tesh's radio program.

Two Worlds - John Tesh: ALIVE music & dance

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My goose was cooked, or how to net "big bird"

My giant black rubber duckie, alias swan baby, having a grand adventure
Swan version of painting the town...

Me, wet to the bone, and swan baby hanging his head in remorse, or was that in regretting to leave the big "pond"?

I just had to write the post about the dentist, didn't I ?
Ok ,so my alarm battery died and I overslept. It can happen right?

I sheepishly called and apologized for missing my early dental appointment.
Yes, I could come at 2:00...

oh , yea... r-i-g-h-t-... sure thing, umm whatever was I thinking ?
Scrambling to do another bare bones critter care, I kept hearing a rather distant oboe sound. That's nice...

Now I love that sound, two of my dearest critters make that sound, my swan babies.
I kept working, and then realized something was amiss. Yep, not only amiss, but missing..

Swan baby was missing. I started the SEARCH.. the more I looked the more unsettled I became. ( when I am unsettled I attract "helpers" )
Now I also had Kate, Roo-die, and several cats trailing along "helping" me.

hmm that distant sound , umm it sounds like ? umm an oboe, OH NO "it" it was my swan baby.
IN the river close to our home. OH NO, he couldn't figure out how to get back up the bank,
and "march" his little self back where he belonged.

How he got through our fence I couldn't imagine, well perhaps he did another squish,wiggle,flop
similar to an earlier post where the little dears went on a grand farm adventure earlier this summer.

Now here is the thing, can you imagine calling up your dentist twice in one day, umm
I am not sure Iwill make my 2:00 appointment, after all, umm I have a swan to rescue, and I have no idea how long it will take..
( sounds like the dog ate my homework excuse number 995) well if I can catch him in time sure, I'll come in .
hmm I'm not sure they believed me, even though I did make it and with a few minutes to spare even. (little did they know when I am "on" time, I'm usually running late , much like the rabbit inb Alice and Wonderland, I'm late, I'm late , for a very important date...

Two hours earlier here is how it went down ( or should I say went upstream) at farm funnies

I had called my son to see if he could come and man the canoe and do a "head 'um up, drive 'em upstream swan drive

I had asked my hubby, if he could possibly come home to help , bless his heart he did and he became the big game hunter to nab the big bird with a net big enough for catching a baby elephant (well almost)

I dragged our canoe about two city blocks, ready to launch as soon as the men arrived
on the scene

I had set a trap , with son's help" upstream consisting of a roll of bird netting,spanning the river

With trusty river "pole" in hand to steady me, keep me from slipping AND guide/prod swan baby. I waded out as far as I dared into the COLD water ,after the canoe was launched down stream behind swan baby.

I only wished I could have video taped the whole thing.
It was really amazing to watch swan baby glide up to meet me, with a wary eye on my son
who also glided as gracefully behind him in our canoe.

All became another heart picture, worth more than a thousand words, creating a loving memory
of yet another adventure here at farm funnies, no life is never dull.

Thank you my swan baby hero's
not only did you save face for me by saving my bacon (for my dentist appointment)
now my "goose" is no longer "cooked" He is back where he belongs, ON farm funnies LAND

Thanks guys for packing the canoe back, don't they look virile and handsome?

It meant a lot to me to have my swan baby rescued, it would have been extremely hard, if not impossible without you both.

Now try to top that for your next dentist appointment , I double dog dare ya!

here is a funny link about life never being boring

It is a Mark Lowry video

blogger grief

As pooh would say...OH BOTHER !!

I only wanted to add a link to a funny u-tube this morning,

Did my blog spot "remember me?"

DO I really know who I am ?

How old is my great great Grandmother ?

How many teeth did she have when she died?

Well after about an hour I am "in" MY blog,

Is it mine, am I here, am I awake even?

here is the simple funny link,

which I thought was appropriate to start my day with

umm guess who had an impromptu dentist appointment early this a.m.

here I was at farm funnies minding my own business , doing bare bones chores

and wrapping up in my blankie trying to locate Gilligan isle reruns, yep I WUZ sick ALL week

and THEY called me, umm oh you haven't been in for a while, and "we" just happen to have a "spot" just for you...

Since I was a tad better, I thought OK you can do this...and my alarm clock was set for

5:30 am...really, and guess what?

My battery died just after i set it and turned out the light REALLY !!

8:30 I woke up, REALLY (that's late for me, yep really)

and you'll never guess, they could "fit" me in at 2:00 this afternoon...

so here is the link

(Mark Lowry comedy)
have a great day, and OH Bother, my mouth feels sore already and it's only 9:30 am

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Three little pigs, don't let the giants get you

I just published a post over at my merry heart blogg and I promised I would have a link to a
to a u tube given by Chondra Pierce about ...whatelse the three little pigs.

so here it is , enjoy :-)

YouTube - "Three Little Pigs" Comedy By Chonda Pierce

Monday, October 6, 2008

HAY HAY HAY ,A Slime Recipie


Get ready to make things slimy

Oh ooey gooey ....

mix together
1/2 cup of white glue
1/3 cup plus 1 tbsp of water
food color
in another bowl mix 1/2 teaspoon of borax soap
(use the rest around your walnut tree, to give it a boron boost, for more walnuts)
and 1/3 cup of water

combine these two mixtures, work it together

(yes with your hands, until it is no longer sticky)

store covered in the fridge..
grab a caramel apple and go on a hayride