The first Friday in June

Created to honor the Salvation Army "Lassies" of WWI.
A fund raiser for needy causes of the Salvation Army.
Salvation Army Doughnut were first served in 1917, during WWI by Salvation Army "lassies". Sent to the front lines , these brave volunteers made home cooked foods, and provided a moral boost for our troops. Sometimes the doughnuts were fried in oil inside a metal helmet of an American soldier.
Lt. Colonel Helen Purviance is considered the "first doughnut girl". Salvation Army lassies, were the only women,outside of military personnel allowed to visit the front lines . The American infantrymen were often referred to as doughboys.
The word "Doughnut" is sometimes spelled "Donut. If you see the term National Donut Day, its the same day.
Origin of National Doughnut Day:
National Doughnut Day was established in 1938 to raise much-needed funds during the Great Depression, as well as to honor the work of Salvation Army volunteers, during World War I who prepared doughnuts and other foods for thousands of soldiers.
This year ,Celebrate National Doughnut Day. See if your local doughnut shop, or other organizations, are offering free donuts to solicit donations for the Salvation Army or for another needy cause. please be generous. Buy a box of donuts and send to someone in our military. Pray for these sacrificial and brave protectors of our country.
If you happen to live close to a Roses deli, see if they still make a texas donut (yum)
Why not purchase a couple of boxes of donuts, deliver one box to either a veterans hospital, a local national guard/or any branch of service men (ship to any service people you know). Then "tuck" in a generous donation , with a thank you card in the other box, and deliver it to your local Salvation Army, in honor of all the plucky volunteers who do so much for others.
***********************************************************************************Whatever you do enjoy National Donut Day
(if you are one of my clients, currently on the 5&1 ,make a "batch" of blueberry or apple/oatmeal muffins with one of your oatmeal pkts, (add a bit of nutmeg) and you will still be 5&1 "legal" year you can enjoy the real "McCoy" :-) in your skinny jeans !!
One of our funny farm donut recipes
scald 3/4 cup of milk then cool it to luke warm
add 3 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt
...dissolve 1 package of yeast in 1/4 cup of 110 degrees water
add to above, add 1 egg (room temp) 1/4 cup of oil, 3 to 31/2 cups of flour
turn out onto floured bread board and knead 7 min....
(my easy method, place your liquid ingredients in the bottom of your breadmaker,
add your dry ingredients (placing yeast on top of flour) and start your bread machine. (set it so it only mixes and raises your dough, not bake it) then roll out and cut . Raise again, then fry in 360 degree oil , turning 1 time. (about 1 1/2 min per side) glaze 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon of vanilla
raw food donut.
soak 1 cup of almonds or cashews for 2 hrs, drain add a pinch of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
process ...add some vanilla extract or vanilla bean seeds, 1 cup of chopped dried pineapple (or 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup chopped/soft dried apricots)
1 cup of chopped soft pitted sweet dates , add 4 tablespoons of flaked coconut. mix well together, form into mini donut rings .
Carefully roll in powdered sugar , or glaze.
You might enjoy adding some dried blueberries or strawberries before shaping into "donuts"
or even carob chips.
(how about melting some carob and adding to your glaze ? )
personally I would use real semi chocolate chips for this treat, but if you are a "dyed in the wool" oops a farm funny :-), carob is for you.
My funny farm kiddo's balked at carob anything, here at crazy critters kitchen.
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