Yep, it happens, especially if one tends to be dexterity challenged or happens to be all thumbs...
One golden glimmer of full awareness/recognition/remembrance.
Think of the movie, Lady Hawke, that instant when Lady Hawk and Navarre
(thanks trivia wonder gal ,blog pal at I know something good)
One glimpse, and hearts are reunited, those eternally welded together hearts .
Well one barely visible golden glimmer, as Mary Queen of Scotts II sailed into the blue, in that brief minuscule of time..
You know , those new and improved ideas are not always such a good idea. Instead of eating their way through a yummy candy, to set the queen free. Now you take the newfangled plug out of the queen "cage" and put in one of those mini marshmallows? Now whose idea was this and why I wonder?
Remember you are dexterity challenged, a bit all thumbs.
Of course, your hands are encased in really cool white leather gloves.
Necessary protection ,from rather disgruntled court "jesters".
Of course the whole kingdom is now in an uproar. Everyone is now bent on vigorously objecting to the whole process of home "renovation, and daring to even look at their precious Queen.
Zippppp , up up and away.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's it's , oh no it's our new $23 Queen.
$25 for a bug my eldest daughter said, well that may be one way of looking at "her".
I like to look at "her" as an investment. $$ worth of her golden treasure, "put" up by her kingdom.
We think she returned to an empty bee "cage" as about 1/2 of her kingdom were in it again.
This is not a usual occurrence.
We had already given the queen less kingdom (worker bees for Mary Queen of Scotts II, sadly put into their new castle, minus their Queen) our new Queen Abigail II, in "waiting"
She had been destined to replace an ailing Abigail I. (we were counting our blessings we had her "on hand".
Hubby, placed the entire cage (now with bees in it again)into the empty Princess buttercups "castle"
Time will tell. When we see new babies in both "nurseries" we will give a sigh of relief.
--News flash, hubby just fed sugar water to our new kingdoms , so looked to "see" how both kindoms were faring.--
Mary Queen of Scotts,(now Princess buttercup) is doing fine, guess her fun escapade , bode her well (even if we did moan as a few more grey hairs popped out on our punkin' heads,while watching her apparently vanish into the blue)
New Mary Queen of Scotts II (actually Queen Abigail II) didn't manage to be set free,(maybe that is the reason for the candy/minimarshmallow "controversy" , she had candy. Perhaps the workers didn't like the "brand., or are of the same persuasion as my grandsons who prefer a pickle over sweets... Why not try chocolate, I think, it fixes anything ! I was told this by someone (a chocolate expert) it even holds the universe together ? Interesting concept.
Results: this whole kingdom is doomed. No Queen, no babies . Worse, this kingdom now does not have enough workers , to support a new queen even if we had one.
New Queen Abigail II will be arriving sometime next week, she will remain "such" and she better not buzz off...
Have a happy I love you day ,as our grandaughter loves to tell me, and I always get an image of flowers especially daffodills popping in my head when she says this why I don't know.
They're yellow so GO and eat some HONEY...
Go queens, go
make honey, make honey,
Tickle our fruit blossoms with delight
more fruit, much bounty
and honey oh golden HONEY :-)
Oh bears love HONEY, I'm not a pooh bear, I am a grandma and so I do care :-) yum
(wow this post is very nearly a tongue twister for the brain, keeping all dem Queens staight)
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