a day in the life of a bee is very bizzzzzzzzzzzzzie .............................................................
.whenever I go out …the bumblebees always shout!! Here comes granny with her beesprayinacan da da da da da da da da, kinda “reminds” me of a kids song…hmmmm or is it bzzzzzzzz,
maybe that’s why I’ve usually passed the eye test where these little “dots” zoom up from all directions at the side of your eye…Awk am I seeing bees???(bees ona bwain???)
I mean just going for a “simple” walk, I’ve been visually “conditioned” to notice any repetative flying “formation”…if 1 goes zip (don’t buy panic, buy raid spray) if two go zip (beware, try it..find it) if three go zip (be ona sly) 4 go zip (Don’t pass by seek, find , DESTROY J…to the “tune” one white foot try it about horses..
My motto when “walking” ( two go zip to one spot… why there must be more where dat one came from…. ummm a bee in “a hand” is not “worth” two(or MORE) in a “bush”
Of course , non of the above appy to our worker bees , actually bumble bees are included with our hard working hiney and mason bees,,,, hope you have a bee-utiful day
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