A "REBEL" cake was created...........
Grandma needed to create three Birthday cakes and a faux birthday cake for the 2 year old grandchild to "join" in the three kid birthday "bash"... what to do...
Grandma...what kind of cake theme do you kids want?
STAR WARS says the oldest grand child, and I would like it to be CHOCOLATE.
Hello Kitty, says Grandchild number 2
This was a wild black berry cobbler made with rice flour and margarine
for casein and gluten allergies

I want mine to be a beach cake says Grandchild # 3 CHOCOLATE
so smoothing whipped topping over a chocolate cheese cake and viola' a perfect cake for any beach was created. Just don't let the sharks "eat" YOU

Grandma figured with all those candles and birthday wishing and blowing the two year old
of the "bunch" might feel left out.
What's a grandma going to do? Why make a raspberry filled CARS cake for the little car addict.

pie cherry tree ,here at farm funnies and your good to go. Of course we added several flavors of ice cream and rice dream to go along with the BBQ. If you gained a couple of pounds, why coach Betty had the solution to get those off in the blink of an eye (faster than those ray guns, or whatever they are, out there in that far away galaxy, and much better that how a shark would "assist" with "removing"of such)...

Need a really good pie crust recipe? I have one that always is enjoyed family friends, bake sales
potlucks, you name it...it is easy and good, the above photo doesn't do it justice. My oven and I are on unfriendly terms right now...I plan to "retire" it soon and let it go out to "pasture" YAY