the transformation of this proud strutting Tom,into this:
Is what bettyscrazycritters is all about... FARM FUNNIES,
Now I could have called this post: The setting duck? Duck lays an egg? Where is mamma ? Will the real momma please stand up? Perhaps the great Tom verses Hen Turkey debate ? Will the "real" turkey "poult" stand up , P-U-L-EEEEEZE ?
I have raised turkeys for many years, never have I seen such passionate devotion. Tom turkeys mainly concern them selves with shaking their feathers,strutting their "stuff" and gobbling loudly, whenever anyone else has anything to say. They do their best to even drown out normal farm conversation. I have never seen the slightest interest in nest care 101.
Over the years, I have had numerous turkey hens set on eggs, they are dedicated sitters. They will set for months on a batch of infertile eggs, they will crush their thick shelled eggs with their tromping around to "settle", when returning to the nest after food or drink forays. They will lay too many eggs for the amount of coverage nature "provides" and manage to shift the eggs around while they turn them (a necessity for well developed chicks)to sufficiently chill all of the half developed chicks. I have never had a hen turkey "deliver" the goods, despite her dedication to the event.
So what happened to this guy? I just say, wow some gal really missed the "ticket" when she passed up his wooing. I mean she could have had her chicks and enjoyed fun on the farm too.
This guy has faithfully sat for several weeks on call duck eggs... get this these are actually mini ducks... i.e smaller more fragile eggs than regular ducks...which are "tons" smaller and more fragile than turkey eggs...
Will they hatch? Do downy mini duck babies drive dad crazy when they all take a swim ? Do they all fly south for the winter?
Who knows, it's all up in the air for now...
Watch for a future post on da da ta da ... here comes da ducks !!!