Thursday, August 7, 2008

peacock egg hatching 101

My apoligies for those "following" the infatuated Horton leaving "his" nest of duck eggs to "woo" Maisey...I just discovered this post was still...umm incubating :-)...

Maisey is newest farm funnies "gal" ( she is a rescued peafowl, who had abandoned her three eggs, (well this was partly due to being rescued. I also rescued her eggs and tucked them under one of Horton's egg hatching protege'....little black ( a small bantie hen).

Wow this almost sounds like a tv soap... perhaps I have a new rendition ?

With "feathers" ruffled, will there be trouble in the hen house when new chicks arrive on the scene?
(well in this instance apparently not. "We ended up without chicks of any kind...
Horton's duck eggs chilled.
Little Blacks swapped eggs , all but one was abandoned.
The "adopted" peacock eggs, she, booted out all but one ,then days later she became "bored" due to the extended hatching "date" (me) was so sad... the lone little peacock egg was "with" chick, but of course chilled, when little black went gallivanting... stay "tuned" to the next episode.
To the "days in the henhouse"

Will the flamboyant and colorful dad ever be rescued and reunited with his beloved Maisey?
Will jealousy ensue when he spies Horton ,who is smitten with the love of his life?
Will Horton receive the cold shoulder from all,when he hatches something?
Will Maisey confess to flitting eyelashes at Horton?
Will Little black ever pass egg hatching 101,

Will the little call ducks decide to raise their own family?
Oh my ...what is a farm yard to do?

more of the good stuff ...Aaron Meyers new songs

Hi, just sharing a few more links ,to things I like, use or enjoy...

I met Aaron when he was playing music in our area a few years ago, Promptly bought a couple of his cd's...I love the one called Winters Dance.

It was my faithful companion a number of years ago, when it seemed I was constantly on the road, en route to help out with , some family health concerns.

I subscribed to Aaron's newsletter to learn of his concerts in our area, etc.

I just received a recent newsletter and there were links included, to listen to some of his new songs, on his latest CD...

I am including two of my favorites...for you to listen to...perhaps you'll become an Aaron Meyer fan too... Tango Argentine (well ,I ..AM.. wanting to learn the Tango, and of course the rich cello. mmm, ahhh, ooh, then what else but The Happy Fiddler, why? because I love the fiddle and I love happy .

Click here if you would like to see the e-mail I received,with all it's links etc. Send this email to a friend, there is a photo of Aaron too.
There you will see a form to fill out, just fill it out ,as if sending it to yourself...I'm not sure if this puts you on Aarons nesletter list, but if it does you can unsubscribe anytime...

Enjoy...and have a HAPPY day....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Black Swans... Crash Pool Party

(my apologies for the format of this post, I have edited and edited it, and it simply will not format properly for me.
I hear barking, POOL PARTY

Oh no Kate is sad... YIKES...the doggie pool has been invaded... black swan "babies" take over...
Mom to the rescue
Mush you "huskies" back to your own home.

Oh , "we're" taking the scenic route? Yes the "woolie" gals are so adorable...

Yes, it's fun to play with the kitties.

come on now, babies, let's move towards your home...
Show me how you escaped..
No, I don't believe Angelina taught you how to jump,

I'm not buying it..So forget that idea...
Interesting, and just how did you get through those little squares?

Oh, I see you flatten like pancakes, climb like a monkey, and squish like bread dough,
and for your grand finale : Flop like giant feathered fish landed onto a bank , waddle like crazy ,AWAY from the fence and pretend you have no clue...I get it... the famous IT WASN'T ME "line"....hmm, just what I need...MORE of "you....oh well, very impressive, now lets see if you can stay in "THERE" as well. Kate, Roo and Casper, you deserve a run, me too...Let's BOOGIE....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rehab Barbie's debut, she really is a doll.

Welcome home Barbie, isn't she a cute little doll ?

I discovered this weekend you are the answer to a prayer unknown to Grandma.

Barbie recently arrived ,to join our crazycritter family.

She was dubbed rehab Barbie, by the previous owner, due to some mild foundering. Foundering includes some rehabilitating work to keep her feet comfortable and not cause lameness. Barbie was having a bit of difficulty navigating when she first set foot on farm funny "land" and mom promptly trimmed her feet, She was actually trotting away from me yesterday when she saw I had a halter in hand. Hmm , me thinketh some ground work is next on my "list" of to do's .
Another bit of Barbie "trivia" she is the "answer" to my recent "pondering" mentioned in my post "to crush a violet"

He is here, he is here !

Welcome little prince of the Alpaca world...

He arrived just in the nick of time, farm funnys mom was leaving the next day to help with Grandchildren for a week. Farm Funnys "dad" was a bit apprehensive with the newest bundle of joy, due to arrive soon.

Christina, you are such a good mommie. Umm ,even if you did plaster dad with Alpaca "juice" ,while I was gone, when he picked up the little prince to carry him to a snug box stall ,for an expected chilly night and possibly rain.

resisting temptation,

How well do you resist temptation?

I subscribe to a number of blogs. Some of you new to blogs and posts may wonder what that means.

OK ya go.

When you read an article someone has written and find yourself enjoying what you read, often the author of the post "story, or article" will have a place somewhere on the page
that will say something like: subscribe here, or subscribe to this blog.

What does it mean to subscribe ? Simply put in your e-mail address.

What happens next? For a blog like my farm funnies (crazycritters), the next time I write
an article or story, if you subscribe to my blog, you will simply receive an e-mail with my latest story and a link to click on so you can read what I have written. The same goes for most other blogs.

THAT SAID..... that said, I am sharing a link to one of the blogs I subscribe to.

This blog had a short video link I thought really fit my sense of humor and my writing ,sharing style , as well as my farm funnies concept.

To view this video clip, just click on the highlighted link , pride fully realized..

Pride Fully Realized :-)
p.s. I just published some July drafts which are , what else? listed in the month of July.